Status Update
Comments <> #2
This bug been identified as part of Chrome's flake reduction initiative. Resolution of this issue is critical because it has a large impact on the stability of Chrome CI/CQ. Resolving these issues will be essential to meet Chrome’s flake reduction goals.
This bug has led to a large number of gardened builds failing in the last 7 days. List of gardened build failures caused by this cluster can be viewed at:
or in LUCI Analysis and grouped by builders:
Please consider the following strategies to mitigate the impact from this issue which are rated in order of resolution preference:
1. Resolve the underlying test issue.
2. Move the flaky test from Critical Builders to FYI Builder
3. Disable test (least desirable as it reduces test coverage) and add a Test-Disabled label to this issue. The disabled tests might continue running in reviver builders (go/test-reviver), see config [1] for a list of supported builders.
http://go/resolve-chrome-top-flakes provides more information on the tools available for resolving flaky tests.
When investigating this failure, you may identify this bug is too broad (encompasses multiple different issues) or too narrow (only captures one part of a larger issue). If this applies, you can combine issues[2] or split issues[3].
Why LUCI Analysis posted this comment: (Policy ID: builds-failed-due-to-flaky-tests)
This bug has led to a large number of gardened builds failing in the last 7 days. List of gardened build failures caused by this cluster can be viewed at:
or in LUCI Analysis and grouped by builders:
Please consider the following strategies to mitigate the impact from this issue which are rated in order of resolution preference:
1. Resolve the underlying test issue.
2. Move the flaky test from Critical Builders to FYI Builder
3. Disable test (least desirable as it reduces test coverage) and add a Test-Disabled label to this issue. The disabled tests might continue running in reviver builders (go/test-reviver), see config [1] for a list of supported builders.
When investigating this failure, you may identify this bug is too broad (encompasses multiple different issues) or too narrow (only captures one part of a larger issue). If this applies, you can combine issues[2] or split issues[3].
Why LUCI Analysis posted this comment:
Steps to reproduce the problem
Problem Description
Additional Comments
Chromium 131.0.6778.69 (Official Build) (64-bit) Revision 77e2244bbcda3ab9362d5b8aeeb006a86a6d4832-refs/branch-heads/6778@{#2141} OS Linux JavaScript V8 User agent Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Command Line /app/chromium/chrome --enable-features=WebRTCPipeWireCapturer --disable-features=WebAssemblyTrapHandler,DesktopPWAsRunOnOsLogin --flag-switches-begin --flag-switches-end Executable Path /app/chromium/chrome Profile Path /home/wiligl/.var/app/org.chromium.Chromium/config/chromium/Default Variations Seed Type Null Active variations f4f00e05-ca7d8d80 9481ce98-3d47f4f4 2a426c03-3d47f4f4 70678518-206f6a6e be338734-4866ef6e 5f9907a9-206f6a6e 8eeccb9a-c35b209e 2b465683-206f6a6e 52fc7926-ee3d6169 bc9b361d-dee66fa8 a41a7188-42cfaffb ff71bfdc-dee66fa8 e7cc79d5-dee66fa8 4b935545-3d47f4f4 9a38bae3-3d47f4f4 2d1e43a3-3d47f4f4 386dc267-3d47f4f4 6b260bea-b31978bc d69d967d-3695c92e a983f698-8e9cac75 Command-line variations --force-fieldtrials="UkmSamplingRate/Sampled_NoSeed_Other" --force-fieldtrial-params="UkmSamplingRate.Sampled_NoSeed_Other:_default_sampling/1" --enable-features="UkmSamplingRate<UkmSamplingRate,WebRTCPipeWireCapturer" --disable-features="DesktopPWAsRunOnOsLogin,WebAssemblyTrapHandler" --disable-field-trial-config
Field ""Verwendungszweck" of web form for bank transfer at does not accept data entry
Additional Data
Category: UI
Chrome Channel: Stable
Regression: N/A