Bug P2
Status Update
st...@google.com <st...@google.com> #2
Hi - to make this easier to reproduce, please could you tell us exactly which emulator you were running this on e.g. API 34?
gr...@google.com <gr...@google.com>
st...@google.com <st...@google.com> #3
@agun thinks that this is only happening on emulator, not on a real device. But should test on e.g. Galaxy Watch 4 which has a back button.
ky...@onepeloton.com <ky...@onepeloton.com> #4
API 33
ky...@onepeloton.com <ky...@onepeloton.com> #5
The same thing occurs on a Samsung Galaxy Watch 5 running Android 13 Wear OS 4.0
ze...@gmail.com <ze...@gmail.com> #6
I could not reproduce it with Wear 4 Android 13 Emulator in Linux. I used following code:
AppScaffold {
val navController = rememberSwipeDismissableNavController()
navController = navController,
startDestination = "SomeRoute"
) {
composable(route = "SomeRoute") {
ScreenScaffold {
Box {
onClick = {
navController.navigate(route = "SomeRoute2")
}) {
Text(text = "Go to 2")
composable(route = "SomeRoute2") {
ScreenScaffold {
Box {
text = "Screen 2")
I was able to navigate from Screen 2 to original screen after clicking on back button once.
st...@google.com <st...@google.com>
ak...@google.com <ak...@google.com> #7
ak...@google.com <ak...@google.com>
ak...@google.com <ak...@google.com>
ky...@onepeloton.com <ky...@onepeloton.com> #8
I still have the same problem with Galaxy Watch 5 with the given setup above. Android 13
Component used: SwipeDismissableNavHost Version used: 1.4.0 Devices/Android versions reproduced on: Android 13 Wear OS
Libraries used in the version update (androidx.wear.compose.*):
I am using AppScaffold and ScreenScaffold from Horologist too if that matters. The compose app architecture is the following:
When updating the libraries from
without any other changes routing toSomeRoute2
requires the back button (Shift + cmd + B) on mac emulators be pressed twice to leave the screen and return to the starting route.