Status Update
Comments <> <> <> #2
Thank you for reporting this issue. For us to further investigate this issue, please provide the following additional information:
Are you reporting this as a Developer or User?
Please confirm if you are using any third party application as a launcher?
Could you please provide a screen record of the issue for us to further investigate?
Note: Please upload the files to google drive and share the folder to <> #3
- I am a User
- No third party launcher using Default pixel launcher
- I cannot for now recreate the bug but will enable screen record and upload when caught
Use case: I have an instrumentation test I want to only run on devices with a particular SDK extension.
I first looked to see if there's a version of b/257429573
which supports extensions. It seems there isn't:So I adopted the suggested approach from that bug: Use
and anassumeTrue
call in an@Before
method.But lint complains at my usage of
(see screenshot) and says:Which I can't do, because
doesn't support filtering by SDK extension.IMO ideally
would support SDK extensions (or an equivalent annotation would be created). But until then, can we stop lint from asking for the impossible?