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- I am a User
- No third party launcher using Default pixel launcher
- I cannot for now recreate the bug but will enable screen record and upload when caught
That's where our new feature comes in – Wi-Fi Security Alerts. With this innovative feature, Android 16 will alert users when connecting to an insecure Wi-Fi network, advising them to take proactive steps to protect their device and sensitive information.
How it works
Wi-Fi Security Alerts uses advanced machine learning algorithms to analyze the security profile of a connected Wi-Fi network in real-time. If the network is deemed insecure or potentially malicious, the feature will:
Display a warning message: A clear and concise warning will appear on the screen, alerting users to the potential risk associated with the connecting network.
Recommend a course of action: Based on user preferences (e.g., VPN enablement, mobile data switching), the feature will advise them on how to proceed.
Automatically switch to mobile data: If the recommended course of action is to connect to mobile data or use a VPN, Android 16 will automatically switch the connection.
Wi-Fi Security Settings.
To provide users with more control over their Wi-Fi security settings, we're introducing a new panel within the Settings app:
Wi-Fi Security Alerts (On/Off): Users can toggle this feature on or off to decide how they want to be informed about potential security threats.
Automatic VPN Enable (On/Off): If users choose to enable automatic VPN switching, Android 16 will automatically connect them to a secure network when connecting to an insecure one.
Mobile Data Switching (On/Off): Users can decide whether to switch to mobile data or stay connected to the Wi-Fi network if it appears safe.
Wi-Fi SSID/BSSID Randomization (On/Off): This feature will randomize the Wi-Fi SSID and BSSID, making it more difficult for hackers to intercept sensitive information.
Limited Connection Mode (On/Off): If enabled, Android 16 will limit the connection to the most secure Wi-Fi networks in the area.
Location Access Control (Customizable): Users can customize the location-based controls for their Wi-Fi connections.
By introducing Wi-Fi Security Alerts and providing users with more control over their Wi-Fi security settings, we're empowering them to:
Protect their online identity: By taking proactive steps to secure their device and sensitive information, users can minimize the risk of identity theft or other malicious activities.
Enhance their browsing experience: With Wi-Fi Security Alerts, users will have peace of mind knowing that they're protected from potential security threats while browsing the internet.
Reduce the risk of malware infections: By automatically switching to mobile data or using a VPN when connecting to an insecure network, Android 16 can help prevent malware infections and other security breaches.
Stay informed about their online safety: Wi-Fi Security Alerts will keep users informed about potential security threats and provide them with actionable recommendations for securing their device.
Use cases.
Wi-Fi Security Alerts has numerous use cases:
Public Wi-Fi networks: Users can rely on Wi-Fi Security Alerts when connecting to public Wi-Fi networks, such as those found at coffee shops, airports, or hotels.
Rural areas: In areas with limited internet connectivity, users can use Wi-Fi Security Alerts to ensure their device is protected from potential security threats while connecting to a local network.
Business environments: Companies can deploy Wi-Fi Security Alerts across their organization to protect employees' devices and sensitive information.
Technical implementation.
To implement Wi-Fi Security Alerts, we'll:
Develop advanced machine learning algorithms: Our system will utilize sophisticated machine learning techniques to analyze the security profile of connected Wi-Fi networks.
Integrate with device sensors and network protocols: Android 16 will work in conjunction with device sensors (e.g., GPS, accelerometer) and network protocols (e.g., DNS, DHCP) to provide accurate and timely security alerts.
Collaborate with reputable security providers: We'll partner with leading security providers to integrate their VPN services into the system.