Status Update
Comments <> <> #2
The generated dao code has this line:
_observer = new Observer("book","split")
I think annotation processor should handle this type usages of FROM clause.
I found a workaround for this problem. I created an unused entity named "Split" and it works.
_observer = new Observer("book","split")
I think annotation processor should handle this type usages of FROM clause.
I found a workaround for this problem. I created an unused entity named "Split" and it works. <> #3
yea we should fix the query parser to understand WITH. Btw, WITH queries are available only in recent versions of SQLite (need to double check but i think it was android 21 +).
Version used: 1.0.0-alpha1
Devices/Android versions reproduced on: HTC One M9 (Android 6.0) but I think this info is irrelevant
Steps to reproduce:
1 activity (just root for fragments)
2 fragments - Fragment1 (with ViewModel1) and Fragment2 (with ViewModel2)
Working scenario:
1. Add Fragment1 with:
.replace(, fragment).commit()
2. Go to Fragment2 with some button click in Fragment1 (replace Fragment1 with fragmentManager)
3. rotate the phone (ONCE)
4. click back button -> ALL WORKS (ViewModel1 survived)
Not working scenario:
- steps 1 and 2 are the same
3. rotate phone (TWICE or more)
4. click back button -> ViewModel1 is created again ?!!! and onCleared() from previously created ViewModel1 is not called - EditText has persisted its state but ViewModel hasn't ?!
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