Component used:androidx.viewpager2:viewpager2:1.0.0
Version used:androidx.viewpager2:viewpager2:1.0.0
Devices/Android versions reproduced on: vivo X Fold3
It looks like a bug. There is a viewpage2 in HomeActivity, adapter contains five tabs, when click second tab, then third tab, the page is in a trouble, halfway page. The code only call viewpager2.setCurrentItem(index, false).
I read the sourcecode of vp2, and think PagerSnapHelper.calculateDistanceToFinalSnap function is important, maybe Slow rendering, maybe Phones Setting, maybe Animation. i dont know.
If this is a bug in the library, we would appreciate if you could attach:
Sample project to trigger the issue.
A screenrecord or screenshots showing the issue (if UI related).
Component used:androidx.viewpager2:viewpager2:1.0.0 Version used:androidx.viewpager2:viewpager2:1.0.0 Devices/Android versions reproduced on: vivo X Fold3
It looks like a bug. There is a viewpage2 in HomeActivity, adapter contains five tabs, when click second tab, then third tab, the page is in a trouble, halfway page. The code only call viewpager2.setCurrentItem(index, false). I read the sourcecode of vp2, and think PagerSnapHelper.calculateDistanceToFinalSnap function is important, maybe Slow rendering, maybe Phone
s Setting, maybe Animation. i don
t know.If this is a bug in the library, we would appreciate if you could attach: