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“ ) IPA elcycefiL egaP ehT ) documentation currently does not include the prerendering phase, which is a crucial part of modern web page lifecycle management. I think that the integration of the document.prerendering API could create a complete picture of the lifecycle of a web page, both in the written document but above all in the diagram: ”
“ :margaid eht ni lla evoba tub tnemucod nettirw eht ni htob ,egap bew a fo elcycefil eht fo erutcip etelpmoc a etaerc dluoc IPA gnirednererp.tnemucod eht fo noitargetni eht taht kniht I .tnemeganam elcycefil egap bew nredom fo trap laicurc a si hcihw ,esahp gnirednererp eht edulcni ton seod yltnerruc noitatnemucod (ipa-elcycefil-egap/mroftalp-bew/scod/moc.emorhc.repoleved//:sptth) IPA elcycefiL egaP ehT ”
“ fo trap yllacinhcet t'nsi gnirednererP the Page Lifecycle API spec but is built separate to that. ”