Status Update
Comments <> <> #2
would you try to boot emulator with this command line flag:
-feature -Vulkan
and let us know if it fixes the issue for you? Also would you tell us what graphics card you are using and what is the graphics driver version?
would you try to boot emulator with this command line flag:
-feature -Vulkan
and let us know if it fixes the issue for you? Also would you tell us what graphics card you are using and what is the graphics driver version? <> #3
The feature flag did solve the issue for me. Thank you very much. I don't use a dedicated graphics card. Only the internal one from the CPU. <> #4
Your integrated GPU is supposed to support Vulkan 1.2. I would need more work to figure out why it crashes without that flag.
ERROR: SHA-256 digest of AndroidManifest.xml does not match the digest specified in META-INF/MANIFEST.MF. Expected: <m5RN5FDhPTSIGRMQ0uVUXeEI+J0i51uoGsXVFFZGbnQ=>, actual: <2jlj7l5rSw0yVb/vlWAYkK/YBwk=>
An easy way to spot the issue is that "expected" and "actual" digests in the above error message are of different lengths.
The issue occurs only when verifying APKs for API Level / minSdkVersion 17 and lower.
I'm attaching a sample APK which exhibits this issue.