Status Update
Comments <> <> #2
Thank you for this feedback. The team may reach out for more information on triaging or reproducing this issue. <> #3
I have tried the example project you've provided, it does not reproduce.
Could you please try running with -Pandroid.useDexArchive=false? This disables the new dexing pipeline, and fallbacks to the old one.
Could you please try running with -Pandroid.useDexArchive=false? This disables the new dexing pipeline, and fallbacks to the old one. <> #4
@Mario Did you get a chance to try the build with -Pandroid.useDexArchive=false flag?
ERROR: SHA-256 digest of AndroidManifest.xml does not match the digest specified in META-INF/MANIFEST.MF. Expected: <m5RN5FDhPTSIGRMQ0uVUXeEI+J0i51uoGsXVFFZGbnQ=>, actual: <2jlj7l5rSw0yVb/vlWAYkK/YBwk=>
An easy way to spot the issue is that "expected" and "actual" digests in the above error message are of different lengths.
The issue occurs only when verifying APKs for API Level / minSdkVersion 17 and lower.
I'm attaching a sample APK which exhibits this issue.