Status Update
Comments <> <> #2 <> #3
Dear developer,
Thank you for reaching out to us. Please try the following steps for troubleshoot -
As indicated in the
, when adding / removing a device, ensure to do this from your third-party app (not from the Google Home app (GHA)). Do not remove the device if there is only one device in your app that is account-linked, as this will cause a sync error.documentation -
Ensure that
has been implemented correctly.Report State is an important feature which lets the Google Home Action proactively report the latest status of the user's device back to Google Home Graph rather than waiting for aReport State QUERY
intent.You can inspect if the device status is correctly synced on
, and check if the status matches what is shown on the Google Home App.HomeGraph Viewer
If the issue persists after troubleshooting, to help us reproduce it, please share the following information with us:
(JSON format)Sync Response - Relevant
.GCP logs - Project ID.
If you have any further questions, please feel free to reach out to us. Thank you.
Matter Virtual Device
2. Please describe your issue/feedback here
After installing the mvd (mvd_1.5.0_amd64) the virtual device doesnt start correctly. I am getting an error in the matter client
3. Please describe the steps to reproduce the issue & clarify the feedback
1) type mvd
2) Window opens and I select OnOff Light
3) Screen goes blank
4) In my terminal I see
[Info] spawn device from path: /usr/lib/mvd/resources/app/prebuilt/linux_x64/rootnode_onofflight_bbs1b7IaOV
[Info][Device] Subprocess(81291) is spawned successfully
[Info][Device] Subprocess close abnormally with code: 1, signal null
5) when I run the rootnode program directly I get
/usr/lib/mvd/resources/app/prebuilt/linux_x64/rootnode_onofflight_bbs1b7IaOV: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version `GLIBC_2.38' not found (required by /usr/lib/mvd/resources/app/prebuilt/linux_x64/rootnode_onofflight_bbs1b7IaOV)
6) I check my version of glib (I am running ubuntu 22.04)
ldd --version
ldd (Ubuntu GLIBC 2.35-0ubuntu3.8) 2.35
7) I have tried upgrading glibc to 2.38 by compiling/installing from source but this doesnt work.
4. If possible, please attach videos or screenshots for further clarification
I uninstalled mvd and installed mvd_1.4.0_amd64 and it works perfectly for me.
Thank you for helping improve Google developer tools!