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To test Android 14’s support for multiple USB devices, I installed Android 14 on a Raspberry Pi. My Android 14 image is sourced from the following link: .
I found that Android 14 does not support multiple USB devices by default, so I modified the system/build.prop file and added the following line:
After rebooting my Raspberry Pi, I performed the following steps:
Based on this link: , the documentation mentions that the USB framework supports routing to multiple USB devices, as long as the USB devices have different audio device types.
I checked my two USB headsets, and both have the audio device type TYPE_USB_HEADSET. Is this the reason why my program is only able to recognize one USB headset?
Our current requirement is to use two USB devices on an Android device to handle two simultaneous calls.
If Android 14 must support USB devices with different device types, how can I implement my functionality?
Can I achieve this by modifying the USB audio device’s device descriptor, or by modifying the audio device type of the USB headset in the Android audio HAL layer, such as directly modifying the UsbAlsaManager class? If so, this would allow Android 14 to support both of my USB headsets.
I have been waiting for this feature since Android 11, and now I’m testing with Android 14. Please find the detailed bug report attached.
I am eagerly awaiting your response.