Status Update
Comments <> #2
Is there any progress on this feature?
Other operating systems like Apple's Preview program has this built-in, so I would assume a feature like this would be a high priority as to not lose to your competitors.
Other operating systems like Apple's Preview program has this built-in, so I would assume a feature like this would be a high priority as to not lose to your competitors. <> <> #3
This feature is also important for use like forms that are to written in and to be filled out in landscape, but are uploaded in portrait. <> #4
Thanks for sharing this request, we will review them internally - its not in the immediate roadmap.
What was expected: After the PDF has been loaded to the view, I was hoping there would be a way to rotate the pages of a PDF, so that portrait files would become landscape and their contexts would also be shown rotated by 90 degrees.
What occurred: No such feature seems to exist at this time.
Relevant code to trigger the issue:
A screenrecord or screenshots showing the issue (if UI related):