Feature Request P3
Status Update
le...@google.com <le...@google.com>
be...@google.com <be...@google.com>
fr...@locovo.co <fr...@locovo.co> #2
Hi thanks for working on this, is it planned for a future release or is there any way I can track it's progress. Many thanks, Fred
Description: Currently with the pager, there is no way to specify that you only want the pager to go in one direction. So if you are swiping forward through pages there is no way to specify that you can only swipe forward and not backward.
The pager could simply take a direction as an argument to restrict whether it is swipe in one direction only, by default this would be null and the functionality would be as is, so swipe in both directions.
Use Case: I believe that this would be a fairly common use case 2 examples.
It's currently not simple for a user of the pager to implement this functionality themselves
Thanks for considering this new feature