Status Update
Comments <> #2
Information redacted by Android Beta Feedback. <> #3
Complete steps to reproduce
What steps do others need to take in order to reproduce the issue themselves?
Current output (Error message if any)
What do you see instead?
Screen Record of the Issue
Please capture screen record or video of the issue using following steps:
adb shell screenrecord /sdcard/video.mp4
Subsequently use following command to pull the recorded file:
adb pull /sdcard/video.mp4
Attach the file to this issue
Note: Please upload the files to google drive and share the folder to, then share the link here. <> #4
Attached is a screenshot of the error message.
I get this message everytime I try to tap and pay.
I am guessing that it's because you have released the stable Android 15
QPR2 and I am stuck on the beta verson.
On Thu, 6 Mar 2025 at 09:22, <> wrote: <> #5 <> #6
We will re-deliver the log and results. thank you! <> #7
Thanks for the above information.
We have shared this with our engineering team for further analysis. <> #8
It seems to me telechips device ramdisk is not compliant. Yoyo, could you help the vendor to understand more about the tests? <> #9
Thanks for reporting this issue.
The test case checks the file contents of init_boot
partition. So we guess that you is actually flashing init_boot-debug.img
not vendor_boot-debug.img
Please double check that while the test is running (1) init_boot-debug.img
is not flashed (so init_boot
partition is unmodified) and (2) vendor_boot-debug.img
is flashed (so adb root is allowed) <> #10
Please provide the requested information to proceed further. Unfortunately the issue will be closed within 7 days if there is no further update. <> #11
We conducted additional debugging based on the advice you provided, and the following was the cause.
The cause is that e2fsck,,, and are included in the ramdisk folder of out/ .
path :
out\target\product\car_tcc8070_arm64\ramdisk\system\lib64\,, and libdl
When I searched for the cause of the above files being added, I found that it occurs when I add the following statement to
When the statement was removed, the corresponding files were not created.
" $(call inherit-product, $(SRC_TARGET_DIR)/product/
However, this phrase was added according to the Google guide below. Is this phrase no longer needed?
After removing this statement, vts_virtual_ab_test and
All vts_generic_boot_image_test tests passed.
Please check if this is a bug, thank you. <> #12
Seems like the test case used to allow "e2fsck" entries, but were removed since
Kelvin could you comment on the reason those entries were removed, and how to move forward from now on? <> #13
init_boot size is very limited. So we removed unnecessary entries from the allow list. For binaries like e2fsck, we believe it can be stored on vendor ramdisk. Binaries such as init/snapuserd are located on init_boot ramdisk because it's on System side of treble, and we believe Google should take ownership in updating them. <> #14
@zhangkelvin Should the reference config target/product/virtual_ab_ota/
Since the vts_generic_boot_image_test item requires adb root command execution, we tested it by flashing vendor_boot-debug.img in the vendor_boot partition.
A fail occurs because a debuggable file is included, so you must use a debug image to run adb as root.
Could you give me some advice on fail?
11-27 17:53:01 I/ModuleListener: [2/2] vts_generic_boot_image_test GenericBootImageTest#GenericRamdisk FAILURE: test/vts-testcase/kernel/gki/generic_boot_image_test.cpp:236: Failure
Value of: generic_ramdisk_allow_list
Expected: a surjection from elements to requirements exists such that:
- an element is equal to "init"
- an element is equal to "system/bin/e2fsck"
- an element is equal to "system/bin/snapuserd"
- an element is equal to "system/etc/init/snapuserd.rc"
- an element is equal to "system/etc/ramdisk/build.prop"
- an element is equal to "system/lib64/"
- an element is equal to "system/lib64/"
- an element is equal to "system/lib64/"
Actual: { "adb_debug.prop", "force_debuggable", "init", "system/bin/snapuserd", "system/bin/snapuserd_ramdisk", "system/etc/init/snapuserd.rc", "system/etc/ramdisk/build.prop", "userdebug_plat_sepolicy.cil" }, where the following matchers don't match any elements:
matcher #1: is equal to "system/bin/e2fsck",
matcher #5: is equal to "system/lib64/",
matcher #6: is equal to "system/lib64/",
matcher #7: is equal to "system/lib64/"
Contains files disallowed by debuggable generic ramdisk