Status Update
Comments <> #2
Thank you for reaching out. I'm going to create an internal feature request. Please keep in mind that this feature request has to be analyzed and considered by the product team and I can't provide you ETA for it to be delivered. However, you can keep track of the status by following this thread.
Please describe your requested enhancement. Good feature requests will solve common problems or enable new use cases.
What you would like to accomplish:
Be able to use PAM to impersonate a service account and grant access to it in an automated way.
How this might work:
You create an entitlement, grant the access and you should be able to impersonate the service account.
If applicable, reasons why alternative solutions are not sufficient:
This feature is not available at the moment
Other information (workarounds you have tried, documentation consulted, etc):
The currently supported condition attributes are not applicable to Identity and Access Management (IAM) as resource type attributes, resource service attributes, or resource name attributes. This will help to only specific users who can have access to some service accounts where they can use for specific scenarios Create custom roles and granted to temporary users is not feasible, however, using PAM this save time and effort to only grant the permission to the necessary users