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- Summary: The Apps Script application is not working as expected. The first page works, but the second page does not. It is difficult to determine the root cause without additional information.
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Automated by Blunderbuss job workspace-devrel-public-issue-tracker-blunderbuss-autoassigner for config assign for component 191640. <> #4
This is happening a lot to me and my clients as well, sporadic 404 and 500 errors on Apps Script deployed web apps. <> #5
This topic is NOT Fixed. More than ever we get 404 if app script web app url are called via urlFetchApp call. We get all the time errors like http error 302 or 404. see: HTTP Error: <HTML>
<HEAD> <TITLE>Moved Temporarily</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY BGCOLOR="#FFFFFF" TEXT="#000000"> <!-- GSE Default Error --> <H1>Moved Temporarily</H1> The document has moved <A HREF=""....">here</A>. </BODY> </HTML>
(Error Code: 302)
<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head><meta name="description" content="Web word processing, presentations and spreadsheets"><meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0, minimum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=0"><link rel="shortcut icon" href="//"><title>Page Not Found</title><meta name="referrer" content="origin"><link href="//" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" nonce="T41aYZgYHzWn8sWL_IBXSg"><style nonce="T41aYZgYHzWn8sWL_IBXSg">.goog-inline-block{position:relative;display:-moz-inline-box;display:inline-block}* html .goog-inline-block{display:inline}*:first-child+html .goog-inline-block{display:inline}#drive-logo{margin:18px 0;position:absolute;white-space:nowrap}.docs-drivelogo-img{background-image:url(//;-webkit-background-size:116px 41px;background-size:116px 41px;display:inline-block;height:41px;vertical-align:bottom;width:116px}.docs-drivelogo-text{color:#000;display:inline-block;opacity:.54;text-decoration:none;font-family:"Product Sans",Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:32px;text-rendering:optimizeLegibility;position:relative;top:-6px;left:-7px;-webkit-font-smoothing:antialiased;-moz-osx-font-smoothing:grayscale}@media (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:1.5),(min-resolution:144dpi){.docs-drivelogo-img{background-image:url(//}}sentinel{}</style><style type="text/css" nonce="T41aYZgYHzWn8sWL_IBXSg">body {background-color: #fff; font-family: Arial,sans-serif; font-size: 13px; margin: 0; padding: 0;}a, a:link, a:visited {color: #112ABB;}</style><style type="text/css" nonce="T41aYZgYHzWn8sWL_IBXSg">.errorMessage {font-size: 12pt; font-weight: bold; line-height: 150%;}</style></head><body><div id="outerContainer"><div id="innerContainer"><div style="position: absolute; top: -80px;"><div id="drive-logo"><a href="/"><span class="docs-drivelogo-img" title="Google logo"></span><span class="docs-drivelogo-text"> Drive</span></a></div></div><div align="center"><p class="errorMessage" style="padding-top: 50px">Sorry, unable to open the file at this time.</p><p> Please check the address and try again. </p><div style="background: #F0F6FF; border: 1px solid black; margin-top: 35px; padding: 10px 125px; width: 300px;"><p><strong>Get stuff done with Google Drive</strong></p><p>Apps in Google Drive make it easy to create, store and share online documents, spreadsheets, presentations and more.</p><p>Learn more at <a href=""></a>.</p></div></div></div></div></body><style nonce="T41aYZgYHzWn8sWL_IBXSg">html {height: 100%; overflow: auto;}body {height: 100%; overflow: auto;}#outerContainer {margin: auto; max-width: 750px;}#innerContainer {margin-bottom: 20px; margin-left: 40px; margin-right: 40px; margin-top: 80px; position: relative;}</style></html>
(Error Code: 404) <> #7
Im Facing the same issue
I am using a Google Web App as a backend for my mobile application. It has been working without issues, but starting today, certain requests are returning a 404 Not Found error. This problem persists despite no changes being made to the Web App script or its deployment settings.
Steps to Reproduce
1.Backend Setup:
The Web App was created using Google Apps Script and deployed as follows:
・Execution setting: Execute as Me
・Access setting: Anyone with the link
・Example Web App URL:
2.Mobile App Requests:
・My mobile app sends GET and POST requests to this Web App. Example request:
Headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" }
Body: {"key": "value"}
3.Observed Issue:
・Previously, these requests worked without any issue and returned the correct response.
・Starting today, some requests now fail with a 404 Not Found error.
Expected Behavior
The Web App should return the correct response to all valid GET and POST requests, as it did before.
Observed Behavior
Some requests now return the following error:
・Status Code: 404
・Error Message: Not Found
Troubleshooting Performed
1.Verified that the Web App is still deployed and active.
2.Checked the deployment URL for accuracy.
3.Attempted to redeploy the Web App, but the issue persists.
4.Checked for quota or usage limits in Google Apps Script, but no unusual spikes were observed.
5.Tested using multiple clients (e.g., Postman and the mobile app), and the issue is reproducible.
Possible Causes
This behavior could be related to:
1.Recent updates or changes in the Google Apps Script service or Web App behavior.
2.Changes in access permissions or security policies.
3.Quota limitations or usage restrictions.
Environment Details
・Google Web App Script ID: {SCRIPT_ID}
・Mobile App Details: [Provide details about your app or environment, e.g., Flutter app]
・Testing Tools Used: Postman, mobile app
Priority and Impact
This issue affects the functionality of my production application, resulting in disruptions for end users. It is critical to resolve this as soon as possible.
Suggested Investigation Areas
・Has there been any recent update to Google Apps Script or Web App services that could cause this behavior?
・Could this be related to quota limitations, script deployment, or permission changes?
thank you