Status Update
Comments <> <> #2
Thanks for your suggestion! We are currently evaluating this request, but do not have any plans to implement it at the moment. Please star to add your vote and receive further updates, and feel free to add any comments to discuss your use case. <> #3
I've transitioned from this team. Thanks!
Searching for 4051 in google maps does offer 4051 Basel, Switzerland as a suggestion, the Geocoder however will not recognize this.
Steps to Reproduce:
Make a request to the Google Maps Geocoding API with the following parameters:
Address: 4051
Region Bias: CH
Example URL:
Observe the API response.
Expected results for 4051 in switzerland would be
lat: 48.13.....
lon: 11.56.....
observed results are:
lat: -27.4261914
lon: 152.9882693