Component used: androidx.wear.watchface:watchface-complications-data-source-ktx Version used: 1.2.1 Devices/Android versions reproduced on: Samsung Galaxy Watch 4, Wear OS Emulator, also third-party watch faces.
Sample: My sample contains just A complication data source service, you can see in: ComplicationDoubleQuoteTest/app/src/main/java/com/crazyj36/complicationdoublequotetest/ComplicationDataSourceService.kt that under the LongTextComplicationData.Builder that it's supposed to show A full sentence that contains double quotes, but it only shows what's in the quotes when run.
I've tested with the \" string literal and the \u0022 Unicode escape character, and with SHORT_TEXT and LONG_TEXT complication types, none made A difference, but it only happens with the normal (on the keyboard) double quote character, using an alternative quote character such as \u201c or A single quote works fine.
Version used: 1.2.1
Devices/Android versions reproduced on: Samsung Galaxy Watch 4, Wear OS Emulator, also third-party watch faces.
My sample contains just A complication data source service, you can see in: ComplicationDoubleQuoteTest/app/src/main/java/com/crazyj36/complicationdoublequotetest/ComplicationDataSourceService.kt
that under the LongTextComplicationData.Builder that it's supposed to show A full sentence that contains double quotes, but it only shows what's in the quotes when run.
I've tested with the \" string literal and the \u0022 Unicode escape character, and with SHORT_TEXT and LONG_TEXT complication types, none made A difference, but it only happens with the normal (on the keyboard) double quote character, using an alternative quote character such as \u201c or A single quote works fine.