Status Update
Comments <> #2
Disregard - after adding
enableUnitTestCoverage = false
enableAndroidTestCoverage false
Thinks started to work again.
But for what it is worth - the error message could have been more helpful.
enableUnitTestCoverage = false
enableAndroidTestCoverage false
Thinks started to work again.
But for what it is worth - the error message could have been more helpful. <> <> #3
Well the error message is that it tried to configure jacoco task and failed, so it works for you because you disabled the feature.
So the error message is indicative of a bigger problem. Oviously, 8.2 is pretty old for us, not sure you are interested in trying 8.8.
The easiest would be to have a project reproducing the issue, if that's possible, we'll look into it. <> #4
We tried bumping things up to 8.8 but that causes other problems that we need to resolve first. There was a long list of issues with name spaces and what not due to clashes across different 3rd part integrations that we have in the app.
Unfortunately we haven't had the resources to keep things up to date for a long time - and now every possible problem is just piling up...
I'll get back once we manage to upgrade to 8.8...
Unfortunately we haven't had the resources to keep things up to date for a long time - and now every possible problem is just piling up...
I'll get back once we manage to upgrade to 8.8...
When upgrading to gradle 8.2 we can no longer execute the ./gradlew tasks command as it fails with this error:
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':tasks'.
> Could not create task ':app:jacocoTestReportDebug'.
> null cannot be cast to non-null type org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.plugin.KotlinSourceSet
Works fine with gradle 8.1 and below.
We do not have jacoco directly enable in our project but I reckon some of our dependencies is including this.
Our project is more than a decade old and the build setup contains a ton of old school things - so its not an easy task to figure out what is breaking when the error is so vague.
Any idea as to what is going on here ?
1. Upgrade gradle in to version 8.2 or above
2. Run command ./gradlew tasks
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