Status Update
Comments <> <> #2
I had the same problem!
I could solve it by putting the .aidl file in an aidl directory.
Look at the attached screenshot to see the project structure.
I could solve it by putting the .aidl file in an aidl directory.
Look at the attached screenshot to see the project structure.
Please describe your requested enhancement. Good feature requests will solve common problems or enable new use cases.
- What you would like to accomplish:
A long term fix where the memory is dynamically changed on Watcher Agents for customers with a large cluster.
- Problem you have encountered:
We enabled SCC on a large enough cluster, then the SCC daemonset kept crashing because of OOM. This was a particular case, there were 16 nodes in the customer's cluster and we checked two of those nodes. Each of them has 200+ containers which requires more memory resources to handle.
- How this might work:
I expect the SCC daemonset to work fine on large clusters
- If applicable, reasons why alternative solutions are not sufficient:
The current fix was to open a Google support case to Google engineering increased the memory limit of the watcher container on the specific cluster. This takes time, is not scalable and not all customers have a support plan.