Status Update
Comments <> #2
Thank you for reporting this issue. For us to further investigate this issue, please provide the following additional information:
- Provide a website URL, to the relevant document where you are observing the issue. <> #4
Thanks for the information. We’ve investigated, but unfortunately we have not been able to reproduce it. Please confirm if the issue is still reproducible.
Solution: Remove retarded sensor data limits. Somewhere in the background it works anyways considering that the extraction of the Gravity Vector works very well. This output specification requires manufacturer developers to output bad data.
Please primarily output good data. Please output normal Roll Pitch Yaw.
The Rotation Vectors are also plagued by this issue as it is inherited, and on all devices tested Rotation Vector gives Game Rotation Vector and so the Magnetometer and Gyroscope need to be fused again by the user because of this bad implementation.