Status Update
Comments <> #2
Thank you for reporting this issue. For us to further investigate this issue, please provide the following additional information:
From the above description, it seems you have suggested this request from an end user's perspective. Could you please confirm the same. <> #3
Thanks for your request. We will investigate this issue and see if we can implement the behavior you've requested. <> #4
As an additional alternative, it should be possible to specify a label in the options for GmailApp.sendEmail().
A work-around is proposed in StackOverflow:
A work-around is proposed in StackOverflow: <> #5
Are there any news on adding the ability to archive and add a label to specific emails (not threads)? From a corporate shared mailbox perspective auto threading emails by subject is a serious issue (eg. we recive two emails from the same person with same subject but with different description).
Since it's available in pure mailbox view is that such a big effort to make it available also in Google Script?
Since it's available in pure mailbox view is that such a big effort to make it available also in Google Script?
In Denmark, many employees are given a smartphone by their employer, which they can use free of charge for private AND work-related calls, messages, data, etc. With the help of MDM/EMM/UEM, the "Work Profile" on these devices is rolled out by the companies and thereby separates private and work.
More and more people are using the dual-SIM function with a work SIM card and a private SIM card.
BUT... When an employee is off work or on vacation, many people turn off “Work Profile” by clicking on the "Work apps" button.
Here comes my wish: when you deactivate "Work Profile", the work sim card must also be deactivated and all calls are sent to voicemail. Now it is only the private sim card that is active.
This will also solve some legal union-related cases, if you, as an employer, can ask the employee to activate this "new" function, as customers, etc. will not be able to contact the employee outside of his/her working hours/in his/her free time.
Best regards
Samir Maktabi, CISO, DPO and "MDM" specialist