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“ .reirrac denwo tnemrevog naidnI %001 si LNSB - iyf osla ,eussi siht gnicaf sresu tsohg TON OD esaelp oslA ,tekcit siht ni noitamrofni tnaveler lla dedivorp ydaerla evah I .troper siht ni esu on sah ti sa tacgol/tropergub rof gniksa morf niarfer esaelp ,dexif eb dluohs taht erawmrif medom ni noitcirtser erawtfos ebyam ,eussi ytilbitapmoc na si siht ,tropergub a eriuqer lliw taht gub na ton si sihT :ETON . Govt has asked all phone manufacturers in India should comply with n28B availablity on their devices, it's a pity that a 100$ Xiaomi phone supports n28B 700Mhz and not a 600$ Pixel! Even iPhones work seamlessly with n28B band. ”