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For this request
"pageSize": 1,
"location": {
"latitude": "42.2904",
"longitude": "-71.0712"
"customLocalAqis": [
"aqi": "usa_epa",
"regionCode": "us"
"dateTime": "2025-02-07T02:00:00Z"
I get this response
"hoursInfo": [
"dateTime": "2025-02-07T02:00:00Z",
"indexes": [
"code": "uaqi",
"displayName": "Universal AQI",
"aqi": 73,
"aqiDisplay": "73",
"color": {
"red": 0.4627451,
"green": 0.7921569,
"blue": 0.2
"category": "Good air quality",
"dominantPollutant": "pm25"
"regionCode": "us"
I don't get information in us_epa AQI plus if I send the universalAqi as false it gives me this error
"The request is missing some expected parameters, or was incorrectly formatted. Please correct the input and try again.",