Status Update
Comments <> #2
1. Have you saw crash in real device or only in simulators?
2. Do you use dynamic feature for language ID? <> #3
Tested on Android 12 Emulator with custom executor, but cannot repro this issue. <> #4
Second crash in the description is from a real device. Experienced it myself on two different Xiaomi phones, plus lots of crashes from users in the Google Play console.
Dynamic features are not used in the application.
As a wild guess, I have downgraded build tools from 31.0.0 to 30.0.3, compileSdk from 31 to 30, and moved all work with Language ID to the service in a separate process (just to be sure that crash can kill secondary process instead of main). This combination is in beta for 2 days by now and I don't see any SIGSEGV crashes. <> #5
Hmm, I feel the crash might be something related to separate/secondary process.
I also changed compileSdk and targetSDK to 31 but still cannot repro this issue.
Component used: Navigation Version used: 2.9.0-alpha05 Devices/Android versions reproduced on: 33
I have two nested navHostController mainNavController dashboardNavController
in dashboardNavHost when i switch between tabs with this code :
dashboardNavController.navigate(rout) { popUpTo(dashboardNavController.graph.startDestinationId) { saveState = true } launchSingleTop = true restoreState = true }
and then with mainNavController go to other composable screen, when popup back, i get the following error:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: The saved state value associated with the key 'android-support-nav:controller:backStackIds' is either null or not of the expected type. This might happen if the value was saved with a different type or if the saved state has been modified unexpectedly. at androidx.navigation.NavController.restoreState( at androidx.navigation.compose.NavHostControllerKt$NavControllerSaver$2.invoke(NavHostController.kt:80) at androidx.navigation.compose.NavHostControllerKt$NavControllerSaver$2.invoke(NavHostController.kt:78) at androidx.compose.runtime.saveable.SaverKt$Saver$1.restore(Saver.kt:65) at androidx.compose.runtime.saveable.RememberSaveableKt.rememberSaveable(RememberSaveable.kt:86) at androidx.navigation.compose.NavHostControllerKt.rememberNavController(NavHostController.kt:59)