Status Update
Comments <> #2
Please provide following information which will help us to investigate this further,
What is the desired behavior of the feature? (Be specific!)
If relevant, why are current approaches or workarounds insufficient?
If relevant, what new use cases will this feature enable?
Are you reporting this as Developer or User? <> #3
Thanks for your request. We will investigate this issue and see if we can implement the behavior you've requested. <> #4
As an additional alternative, it should be possible to specify a label in the options for GmailApp.sendEmail().
A work-around is proposed in StackOverflow:
A work-around is proposed in StackOverflow: <> #5
Are there any news on adding the ability to archive and add a label to specific emails (not threads)? From a corporate shared mailbox perspective auto threading emails by subject is a serious issue (eg. we recive two emails from the same person with same subject but with different description).
Since it's available in pure mailbox view is that such a big effort to make it available also in Google Script?
Since it's available in pure mailbox view is that such a big effort to make it available also in Google Script?
Please describe the feature you're requesting in as much detail as possible. If you're an application developer and are requesting new APIs, please include pseudocode showing how you are proposing the API should be used.
My request is to create a safe way to get the manufacturer-issued device serial number (IMEI/MEID/SN) from a device with screen lock enabled, without the need to unlock the device.
Possible workflow
As the common shortcode for device serial number screen has been already internationally established as *#06# dialed from the numeric keypad, I suggest allowing the same combination to have the same effect from the SOS dial keypad, available directly from the device lockscreen.
Sometimes, in some countries, mobile devices are routinely checked by authorities if they are not stolen. The international standard of reporting device theft is by using the device serial number (SN, IMEI, MEID, etc.) which can be entered into a database and matched against checked devices.
That being established, for privacy and data security reasons, it would be beneficial to allow the authorities access only to the needed information, without allowing them access to the data stored on the device and without causing harm to the data itself (via forcing the phone's hard reset). This also allows better protection of user's interest against unlawful searches, especially if the official responsible lacks a warrant.
I also see this proposed behavior standardized in the Android AOSP interface across all device manufacturers, hence submitting this feature request here and not on any manufacturer's individual tracker.