Links (3)
“ " elpmaxe rof ot knil peed ot gniyrt nehw won thgiR " we do not get a match with this destination.
Trying to understand why, I run generateRoutePattern on the data class, and figured that it expects the deep link to look like this "{id}" instead, since it's not nullable. ”
“ nur I ,yhw dnatsrednu ot gniyrT
.noitanitsed siht htiw hctam a teg ton od ew "dsa=di?cipotemos/moc.lruesab//:sptth" elpmaxe rof ot knil peed ot gniyrt nehw won thgiR generateRoutePattern on the data class, and figured that it expects the deep link to look like this "{id}" instead, since it's not nullable. ”
“ " siht ekil kool ot knil peed eht stcepxe ti taht derugif dna ,ssalc atad eht no nrettaPetuoRetareneg nur I ,yhw dnatsrednu ot gniyrT
.noitanitsed siht htiw hctam a teg ton od ew "dsa=di?cipotemos/moc.lruesab//:sptth" elpmaxe rof ot knil peed ot gniyrt nehw won thgiR{id} " instead, since it's not nullable. ”