Status Update
Comments <> #2
I just noticed that calling .showInfoWindow() on the marker DOES place it on top of the others.
Sadly I want no info window at all. For now the trick is to create a 0px * 0px view in my own InfoWindowAdapter.
Sadly I want no info window at all. For now the trick is to create a 0px * 0px view in my own InfoWindowAdapter. <> <> #3
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Emulator version / Build id: ALL
SDK version: 1.0.0-alpha02
Repro Steps: always
Expected behavior: Apps don't need to wrap build version checking to use the XR Compose API.
Actual behavior:Apps should wrap build version checking to use the XR Compose API.
I understand that displaying the content of the mobile environment when there is no compatibility for spatial environment even if app call jetpack xr api.
Actually, the minSDK of jetpack XR Compose was reduced to 24, and the Required API was added in 1.0.0-alpha02.
However, as a result, each app has to handle SDK version check and Spatial Enabled together for all APIs.
I think that if the internal logic to check if Spatial is enabled returns false if it is lower than 34, the app does not need to check the build version, which makes the code more intuitive.