Status Update
Comments <> <> <> #2
enableUnitTestCoverage = false
enableAndroidTestCoverage false
Thinks started to work again.
But for what it is worth - the error message could have been more helpful. <> #3
Well the error message is that it tried to configure jacoco task and failed, so it works for you because you disabled the feature.
So the error message is indicative of a bigger problem. Oviously, 8.2 is pretty old for us, not sure you are interested in trying 8.8.
The easiest would be to have a project reproducing the issue, if that's possible, we'll look into it. <> #4
Unfortunately we haven't had the resources to keep things up to date for a long time - and now every possible problem is just piling up...
I'll get back once we manage to upgrade to 8.8... <> #5
I guess you might also need to delete those *.iml
files under .idea/modules/
: I'm not sure whether Studio will clean them up itself. <> #6
good point!
I've quit, checked studio process is gone inthe task-manager, Removed the modules dir/file from the .idea directory. Restart..
as per usual Studio hangs at this point.... taking all the cpu till I kill it... then restart a second time... (deeep sigh.... an issue I'll log another day when I'm fedup with that one...)
So, lets see now what happens - lets give it at least a week. I'll try to remember to quit studio instead of letting it sleep.
Compilation is not supported for the following modules: NeverTooManyBooks.core.main. Unfortunately, you can't have non-Gradle Java modules and Android-Gradle modules in one project. If you didn't add those intentionally, consider removing them by selecting the option below
Please read the above link to the old issue.
This problem has been back for quite some time and studio releases. I've not bothered to report it AGAIN after the last time I reported it was ignored...
but I've frankly had enough to roughly every other day have to delete the modules dir/file from the .idea directory.
For some reason, studio keeps adding the parent directory name to the module name.
say you have project PROJECT, and module MODULE
changes into
Let me know what logs/switches you want, and I'll provide.
Android Studio Meerkat Feature Drop | 2024.3.2 Canary 5 Build #AI-243.23654.117.2432.13058383, built on February 13, 2025 Runtime version: 21.0.5+8-b631.28 amd64 (JCEF 122.1.9) VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM by JetBrains s.r.o. Toolkit: Windows 11.0 Kotlin plugin: K2 mode GC: G1 Young Generation, G1 Concurrent GC, G1 Old Generation Memory: 12288M Cores: 20 Registry: ide.browser.jcef.testMode.enabled=true ide.browser.jcef.sandbox.enable=false Non-Bundled Plugins: com.intellij.classic.ui (243.21565.122) CheckStyle-IDEA (5.102.0) name.kropp.intellij.makefile (243.23654.19) artsiomch.cmake (243.1.0)