Status Update
Comments <> #2
This bug been identified as part of Chrome's flake reduction initiative. Resolution of this issue is critical because it has a large impact on the stability of Chrome CI/CQ. Resolving these issues will be essential to meet Chrome’s flake reduction goals.
This bug has led to a large number of gardened builds failing in the last 7 days. List of gardened build failures caused by this cluster can be viewed at:
or in LUCI Analysis and grouped by builders:
Please consider the following strategies to mitigate the impact from this issue which are rated in order of resolution preference:
1. Resolve the underlying test issue.
2. Move the flaky test from Critical Builders to FYI Builder
3. Disable test (least desirable as it reduces test coverage) and add a Test-Disabled label to this issue. The disabled tests might continue running in reviver builders (go/test-reviver), see config [1] for a list of supported builders.
http://go/resolve-chrome-top-flakes provides more information on the tools available for resolving flaky tests.
When investigating this failure, you may identify this bug is too broad (encompasses multiple different issues) or too narrow (only captures one part of a larger issue). If this applies, you can combine issues[2] or split issues[3].
Why LUCI Analysis posted this comment: (Policy ID: builds-failed-due-to-flaky-tests)
This bug has led to a large number of gardened builds failing in the last 7 days. List of gardened build failures caused by this cluster can be viewed at:
or in LUCI Analysis and grouped by builders:
Please consider the following strategies to mitigate the impact from this issue which are rated in order of resolution preference:
1. Resolve the underlying test issue.
2. Move the flaky test from Critical Builders to FYI Builder
3. Disable test (least desirable as it reduces test coverage) and add a Test-Disabled label to this issue. The disabled tests might continue running in reviver builders (go/test-reviver), see config [1] for a list of supported builders.
When investigating this failure, you may identify this bug is too broad (encompasses multiple different issues) or too narrow (only captures one part of a larger issue). If this applies, you can combine issues[2] or split issues[3].
Why LUCI Analysis posted this comment:
Steps to reproduce the problem
this bug happens with many sites, I cannot remember which exactly but testing it should be easy by just logging into accounts of various sites, deleting login data for a timeframe that is shorter that the time since login, e.g. logging into the sites and 2 hours later deleting the cookies / login data of the last 1 hour and then refreshing the sites as some will remain logged in and some will not
Problem Description
For years now Chrome has a very persistent bug that is never fixed. If you login to a site set for login credentials to not expire or at least not expire in less than 30 days or such and then later delete login data / cookies for a much shorter period, the login data may be deleted anyway even though it should not have been.
E.g. logging in on the website on day 1 and then 30 hours later on day 2 deleting the last 24 hours of login data / cookies or logging into the website in the morning and then deleting the login data / cookies for the past 1 hour in the evening will still delete the login data / cookies for that site even though it is very clearly outside the period for deletion. Unsure if this is truly a deletion of login data / cookies issue or if some other issue cause this deletion of login data / cookies to cause the site to act like not being logged i.
This happens with a lot of websites while not happening with some others and since it has been continuing for years I lost track of which sites it does and does not happen on but just testing it on some popular sites it should be easy to reproduce.
Deleting cookies / login data for 1 hour deletes login data from logn before that
Custom Questions
Please select a label to classify your issue:
Type-Bug - Software not working correctly
Additional Data
Category: Other
Chrome Channel: Not sure
Regression: No