Status Update
Comments <> #2
Same here. I have links in a local html file referencing file:///android_res/drawable/ and on all gradle build flavors using another applicationId (added suffix) the Webview only shows broken links.
This behaviour seems not to be connected solely to Android 5.0 since it occurs on Android 4.4.4 too (tested with current cyanogenmod 11 build).
This behaviour seems not to be connected solely to Android 5.0 since it occurs on Android 4.4.4 too (tested with current cyanogenmod 11 build). <> #3
As a hotfix I added the following code to the gradle buildscript, which generates an additional with changed java package for every flavor. I don't like this solution though.
android.applicationVariants.all{ variant ->
copy {
from "${buildDir}/generated/source/r/${variant.dirName}/com/example/application/"
into "${buildDir}/generated/source/r/${variant.dirName}/com/example/application/${ }/"
File rFile = file("${buildDir}/generated/source/r/${variant.dirName}/com/example/application/${ }/")
String content = rFile.getText('UTF-8')
String newPackageName = "com.example.application.${ }";
content = content.replaceAll(/com.example.application/, newPackageName)
rFile.write(content, 'UTF-8')
android.applicationVariants.all{ variant ->
copy {
from "${buildDir}/generated/source/r/${variant.dirName}/com/example/application/"
into "${buildDir}/generated/source/r/${variant.dirName}/com/example/application/${
File rFile = file("${buildDir}/generated/source/r/${variant.dirName}/com/example/application/${
String content = rFile.getText('UTF-8')
String newPackageName = "com.example.application.${
content = content.replaceAll(/com.example.application/, newPackageName)
rFile.write(content, 'UTF-8')
My Android device is an AOSP 14 launch device, based on x86_64 architecture, bootloader is also unlocked. I am validating the bootloader fastboot functionality of my AOSP device as per .
Steps :-
Flash the compiled images onto the device.
Move the device to fastboot mode by executing adb reboot bootloader
Execute the fastboot commands using fastboot platform tool downloaded from ,
fastboot -s tcp/udp:<IP ADDRESS> command argument
.Example :- fastboot -s tcp: getvar is-userspace
I can able to verify bootloader fastboot commands like getvar, flash, reboot e.t.c whatever mentioned in this page successfully, except download command. I am getting error like fastboot: usage: unknown command download. I executed fastboot --help to check the supported commands, download is not present in the list. But in the AOSP page , download command is listed.
syntax that i used to validate download :-
Seems like contents in page is incorrect.