Status Update
Comments <> #2
Same here. I have links in a local html file referencing file:///android_res/drawable/ and on all gradle build flavors using another applicationId (added suffix) the Webview only shows broken links.
This behaviour seems not to be connected solely to Android 5.0 since it occurs on Android 4.4.4 too (tested with current cyanogenmod 11 build).
This behaviour seems not to be connected solely to Android 5.0 since it occurs on Android 4.4.4 too (tested with current cyanogenmod 11 build). <> #3
As a hotfix I added the following code to the gradle buildscript, which generates an additional with changed java package for every flavor. I don't like this solution though.
android.applicationVariants.all{ variant ->
copy {
from "${buildDir}/generated/source/r/${variant.dirName}/com/example/application/"
into "${buildDir}/generated/source/r/${variant.dirName}/com/example/application/${ }/"
File rFile = file("${buildDir}/generated/source/r/${variant.dirName}/com/example/application/${ }/")
String content = rFile.getText('UTF-8')
String newPackageName = "com.example.application.${ }";
content = content.replaceAll(/com.example.application/, newPackageName)
rFile.write(content, 'UTF-8')
android.applicationVariants.all{ variant ->
copy {
from "${buildDir}/generated/source/r/${variant.dirName}/com/example/application/"
into "${buildDir}/generated/source/r/${variant.dirName}/com/example/application/${
File rFile = file("${buildDir}/generated/source/r/${variant.dirName}/com/example/application/${
String content = rFile.getText('UTF-8')
String newPackageName = "com.example.application.${
content = content.replaceAll(/com.example.application/, newPackageName)
rFile.write(content, 'UTF-8')
} <> #4
I've recenly encountered this issue and I must say it's quite a nuisance. Searched half of the Internet just to find out that the problem lies in Gradle's applicationIdSuffix :). I think this bug should be reported to Android SDK Build Tools devs, because only they can do something about it.
The phone did not respond to read-by-type request (Opcode: 0x08) from the remote device at the discovery stage. The request summary is following:
558 2025-02-18 15:10:54.159425 Private_41:99:4e () Google_22:a9:aa (Pixel 6) ATT 16 Rcvd Read By Type Request, Client Characteristic Configuration, Handles: 0x0001..0x00a9
After the supervisor timeout, the connection was terminated. The package summary:
835 2025-02-18 15:11:31.162472 controller host HCI_EVT 7 Rcvd Disconnect Complete
Steps to reproduce:
- Initiate advertisement on the phone's side
- Remote device initiated connection with the phone
- Remote device initiated bonding with the phone
- Remote device started GATT Services discovery. At this stage, the connection failed.
Devices for which the issue is reproduced:
- Pixel 6 Android 16
- Pixel 6a Android 15
In the attachment, the screenshot depicts HCI logs. The remote device request is highlighted.