Status Update
Comments <> <> #2
Digging around a bit, it appears WebKit itself doesn't handle authentication at all.
Instead, it would appear on Android that the package org.apache.http.auth does this.
Instead, it would appear on Android that the package org.apache.http.auth does this.
As per the title, there is a need for user-specified labels to log-based alert policies, mirroring existing metric-based policy functionality. This feature already exists for metric-based policies and it would be beneficial to extend the same functionality to log-based policies for consistency and ease of use.
Problem you have encountered:
Unable to transition from log-based to metric-based alerts, due to the nature of our queries. This feature would greatly assist in labeling these alerts for various purposes, such as adding cost_center labels for FinOps objectives.
Add the functionality to apply user-specified labels to log-based alert policies to the UI.
As per the title, there is a need for user-specified labels to log-based alert policies, mirroring existing metric-based policy functionality. This feature already exists for metric-based policies and it would be beneficial to extend the same functionality to log-based policies for consistency and ease of use.
The CX is unable to transition from log-based to metric-based alerts, due to the nature of our queries. This feature would greatly assist in labeling these alerts for various purposes, such as adding cost_center labels for FinOps objectives.
Currently this can only be achieved through the Cloud Console[1] with the update policy command[2] or API[3].
[1]gcloud alpha monitoring policies update --clear-user-labels --update-user-labels foo=bar,baz=qux