Status Update
Comments <> <> #2
Thank you for reporting the issue.
Could you please provide the detailed steps to reproduce the issue, documentation if you are following any, screenshots of the issue ?
Subject: Deployment Timeout Issue - Index Not Found (Google Cloud AI Platform)
Dear [Support Team / Google Cloud Team],
I have been facing an issue with deploying an index to an Index Endpoint in the Google Cloud AI Platform, which has significantly impacted my productivity. The error occurs when trying to deploy the index, and the process fails after approximately 40 minutes, followed by a timeout after 1.5 hours. Specifically, I am seeing the following error message:
swift Copy Index
is not found. This failure results in wasted time, as I have to restart the entire process each time it fails. It seems that the index either does not exist or the deployment process is unable to access it.I have tried multiple retries, but the issue persists, and I cannot proceed with my tasks. This has been happening for the past [number of times it occurred], and I am concerned that it will continue to delay my work.
Could you please investigate the root cause of this issue and provide any guidance or fixes? I would greatly appreciate a solution to avoid these repeated failures and delays.
Thank you for your support.
[Google Cloud Project ID="qwiklabs-gcp-03-8c7e0fbb44dd"]