Status Update
Comments <> #2
I just noticed that calling .showInfoWindow() on the marker DOES place it on top of the others.
Sadly I want no info window at all. For now the trick is to create a 0px * 0px view in my own InfoWindowAdapter.
Sadly I want no info window at all. For now the trick is to create a 0px * 0px view in my own InfoWindowAdapter. <> #3
🥪 Regression verification projects/62121018386/locations/us-central1/workflows/sandwich-verification-workflow-prod/executions/298a6f80-bce0-4528-bd27-2e13c1b99af6 job 11c8bc92610000 for test: ChromiumPerf/android-pixel6-pro-perf/blink_perf.accessibility/BrowserAccessibilityManager::OnAccessibilityEvents_sum/location-changes-scrolling-content-visibility-auto.html
reproduced the regression with statistic: {'control_median': 0.5009999999989911, 'lower': 21.228743451788933, 'p_value': 1.862645149230957e-09, 'treatment_median': 0.6565000000006573, 'upper': 34.293213726954555}.
Proceed to bisection.
reproduced the regression with statistic: {'control_median': 0.5009999999989911, 'lower': 21.228743451788933, 'p_value': 1.862645149230957e-09, 'treatment_median': 0.6565000000006573, 'upper': 34.293213726954555}.
Proceed to bisection. <> #4
You can now change a Marker's icon (thanks!), however this functionality is still required!
I have tried the workaround of a 0 sized view as below, but the view actually takes up the whole width of the map and half the height (i.e. all the space above the Marker) - which stops all user interaction with the top half of the map. (If you call show then hide then the Marker is placed back to it's original z-order).
zeroSizedInfoWindow = new View(getActivity());
zeroSizedInfoWindow.setLayoutParams(new ViewGroup.LayoutParams(0, 0));
I have tried the workaround of a 0 sized view as below, but the view actually takes up the whole width of the map and half the height (i.e. all the space above the Marker) - which stops all user interaction with the top half of the map. (If you call show then hide then the Marker is placed back to it's original z-order).
zeroSizedInfoWindow = new View(getActivity());
zeroSizedInfoWindow.setLayoutParams(new ViewGroup.LayoutParams(0, 0)); <> #5
Automatic bisection started for measurement:
To opt-out of further automatically started bisections for this issue, please
add the <b>Chromeperf-Auto-BisectOptOut</b> label.
To opt-out of further automatically started bisections for this issue, please
add the <b>Chromeperf-Auto-BisectOptOut</b> label. <> #6
[Comment deleted] <> #7
Is it possible to know if this issue is being solved ? I really need to set z-orders of some markers, and I can't use the infoWindow trick as I want 4 markers to be always above 4 others markers.
Internal (Googlers-only) Reports:
- Chromium:
(Legacy) Chromeperf Report:
Top 1 regressions (out of 1, with 0 improvements) in this group:
- ChromiumPerf/android-pixel6-pro-perf/blink_perf.accessibility/BrowserAccessibilityManager::OnAccessibilityEvents_sum/location-changes-scrolling-content-visibility-auto.html
34.98%: 1.501 -> 2.026 ms
Top 1 affected measurements in android-pixel6-pro-perf:
- blink_perf.accessibility/BrowserAccessibilityManager::OnAccessibilityEvents_sum/location-changes-scrolling-content-visibility-auto.html
34.98%: 1.501 -> 2.026 ms
Regressions grouped by blink_perf.accessibility includes data from the following benchmarks with listed owners:
Commits in this range:
Chromium Git Hash:
Chromium Commit Position:
V8 Commit Position:
WebRTC Git Hash: