Bug P1
Status Update
24...@project.gserviceaccount.com <24...@project.gserviceaccount.com> #2
Tram, can you confirm that the behavior is correct if the modifier is moved to the composable inside the AnimatedPane?
24...@project.gserviceaccount.com <24...@project.gserviceaccount.com> #3
Hi Max, yes when the modifiers are moved to the composable inside the AnimatedPane, the PB animations are better than when the modifiers are in the AnimatedPane itself
Fuzzer: lcamtuf_cross_fuzz
Job Type: linux_tsan_chrome_mp
Platform Id: linux
Crash Type: Abrt
Crash Address: 0x05390006df94
Crash State:
Sanitizer: thread (TSAN)
Reproducer Testcase:
Issue filed automatically.
To reproduce this, please build the target in this report and run it against the reproducer testcase. Please use the GN arguments provided at bottom of this report when building the binary.
If you have trouble reproducing, please also export the environment variables listed under "[Environment]" in the crash stacktrace.
If you have any feedback on reproducing test cases, let us know at