Status Update
Comments <> #2
These changes would be really nice! Being able to change the text colour is really important as it now doesn't match the rest of our app either.
Stack overflow posting -
Stack overflow posting -
I realize that there is probable a way to do this already but I have not found it in many hours spent trying over a year. After trying for so long with no results I get worn down. For the sake of keeping my productivity going I switched to Apple computers and their emulator works fine and can be tuned much more easily. They also have more consistancy in their menues and this helps when following tutorials on how to do something.I have noticed when trying to fix the Android Emulator videos will send me to menues that do not exist any longer or have moved maybe?
I use flutter to develope user interfaces and own an android phone. I would love it if there was a working Emulator I could use. I remember years ago when the emulator worked it was a pleasure to use. I am not sure what has happened?
To sum things up there has got to be an easier way to make the Android Emulator work. Maybe ship it with compadable software. If that is a problem maybe just make it easier for people to fix by configuring it to work properly. I also think it would go a long way to not change the settings so much. I have spent hours chasing down answers only to find important menu options now gone or moved with no reference left behind.
I would also like to add that if it is a money issue I would gladly pay for a working Android Emulator. If all it took was like $10 to get the actual working Android Emulator I would be in. I feel so beaten down struggling to get the Android Emulator to work. If money can end my suffering I would pay. I have to think others are thinking the same. Trying to get the Android Emulator to actually work stresses me out. I have tried: Youtube, google search, Chat GPT, Microsoft Copilot, Bing and so far I do not have a working Android Emulator. I can not explain why this is so hard?
I would be greatful for a working Android Emulator that comes with compadable software or if that is not going to happen incompadable software that can easily be changed to work together.