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Comments <> #2
class FixDrawerLayout @JvmOverloads constructor(
context: Context,
attrs: AttributeSet? = null,
) : DrawerLayout(context, attrs) {
fun registerToFragmentLifecycle(fragment: Fragment) {
fragment.viewLifecycleOwner.launchOnLifecycleDestroy {
} <> #3
With markdown the same:
I have a project on SingleActivity. And in manifest android:enableOnBackInvokedCallback="true". I have a Root Fragment with a toolbar to which I attach a DrawerLayout.
<!-- XML Root Fragment -->
< />
< />
On button click in DrawerLayout I change RootFragment and lose all View in this Xml after onDestroyView. I don't call close() or closeDrawer() because I need the old state when I return to this fragment. But!
The DrawerLayout calls onDetachedFromWindow() which calls updateBackInvokedCallbackState() where ViewCompat.isAttachedToWindow(this) returns true and all the following condition is also true.
boolean shouldBeRegistered = visibleDrawer != null
&& currentDispatcher != null
&& getDrawerLockMode(visibleDrawer) == LOCK_MODE_UNLOCKED
&& ViewCompat.isAttachedToWindow(this);
As a consequence, the following code cannot be executed:
} else if (!shouldBeRegistered && mBackInvokedDispatcher != null) {
mBackInvokedDispatcher, mBackInvokedCallback);
mBackInvokedDispatcher = null;
Where mBackInvokedDispatcher != null is true, and shouldBeRegistered is true (but !shouldBeRegistered is false).
Consequently, my mechanical back button or slide (back gesture) is blocked and not called on a new Root fragment when the DrawerLayout is Destroyed.
<!-- new Root fragment -->
< />
< />
There may be a workaround, but that's not all. The fact is that LeakCanary reacts to this error, which claims that after registerOnBackInvokedCallback and not called tryUnregisterOnBackInvokedCallback, a memory leak occurs.
fast fix: android:enableOnBackInvokedCallback="false" or downgrade DrawerLayout to 1.1.1 or
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I'm trying to execute the GAS on Google Sheets and, classically, it asks me to authorise - getting this popup dialog box:
However, when I press the "Review permissions" button, it attempts to load the Google OAuth Consent page (in a separate window, ofc) but then it immediately closes itself. So, I can't authorise and getting nowhere at this point.
Simultaneously, in the Execution log I get this:
However, I just checked again, and I definitely have all the required permissions (as seen in the screenshot).
I am the owner of the script, which I'm also trying to run from the account that the script is associated with. Lastly, it's always worked up until today and I haven't even touched the script nor the file nor any configs since the last time it asked me to Authorise (which was 7 days ago).