Status Update
Comments <> #2
Just FYI,
An error occurs when processing Google login with a child account.
Login works fine before the account is linked to a parent, but issues arise after the linkage. <> #3
Automated by Blunderbuss job android-credential-manager-autoassigner for config android_credman_config for component 1301097. <> #4
Thanks for reporting this issue and providing details. We will reproduce this on our end. Meanwhile, could you please provide a bug report with logs so we can investigate your particular environment as well
Hello Google,
After migrating to Credential Manager, we’ve encountered the following issues. I’d like to gain some good insights into these problems. Wondering if Credential Manager is addressing this case in the scenario above, and how to resolve it or find a useful information or workaround.
Component used: Credentials
Version used:
implementation 'androidx.credentials:credentials:1.3.0' implementation 'androidx.credentials:credentials-play-services-auth:1.3.0'
Devices/Android versions reproduced on:
It seems not to related to be device and android versions. This issue is 100% reproducible, the determinate reproduction scenario as below,
Reproducible Scenario:
Create a parent Google account, e.g., .
Create a child account, e.g., , and link it to the parent using Family Link, following instructions at Add & manage supervision.
Set up an Android device with the child's account.
Create an app using AndroidX credentials library (version 1.3.0) with this code
Source code: GetSignInWithGoogleOption googleIdOption = new GetSignInWithGoogleOption.Builder(client_id) .build();
Thanks & regards, Beomsoo Kim