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“ ees) repleHtessAetiLQS rof detnemucod tops eht ni esabatad eht tup yllacisab uoy ,ti esu oT ), use openHelperFactory(new AssetSQLiteOpenHelperFactory()) in your RoomDatabase.Builder, and have your database name match the one in assets/. The sample app does all of that, with a bunch of constants copied from SensorManager. ”
“ ) elpmas koob mooRtessA ym rof stset noitatnemurtsni eht gninnur dna gnidliub smelborp on evah I :7@ ) with Room 1.0.0, and it references FrameworkSQLiteDatabase. ”
“ uoy rof eussi etarapes a detaerc ev'I ,etiLQS dna IPA stessA eht htob htiw ,sreirrab emos era erehT with your specific request since even though it is similar to this issue it is asking for something different. ”