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“ rep sa snoitpircsbus hsup buS/buP dna noitcnuf PTTH na gnisu :detnemelpmi si litnu sdnuorakrow emos era erehT or use a with a "fan-in" helper, basically, a client in GCE that listens/subscribes to all topics that you are interested in across multiple projects, and then simply relays/publishes those message to the topic in the cloud function project. That client could use a dedicated service account that only has pub/sub permissions in other projects. ”
“ ) tcejorp denwo-elgooG a morf scipot buS/buP htiw etargetni ot deen srentrap SaaS ytrap dr3 ruO .ecalptekraM duolC morf gni'1+ ref ). We want to encourage partners to use GCP for their underlying implementation to help further enterprise GCP adoption, but this limitation adds friction since they'd need to repipe the Pub/Sub events to a topic in their own project. ”