Links (13)
“ ) siht tuoba deriuqni evah srehto erawa m'I ) but it would be wonderful to be able to restrict Google Cloud Storage buckets to certain ip addresses. ”
“ :(ateb etavirp ni won) slortnoC ecivreS CPV gnisu devloS ”
“ :siht no klat a did I 41 edilS ”
“ ) tcejorp nevig a ni ecivres SCG eritne eht ot ssecca tcirtser ot desu eb nac slortnoC ecivreS CPV ), but that seems over broad. Would be great to restrict access at the resource/bucket level. ”
“ Access levels are the cloud feature mapping most closely here, and those are the best approach AFAIK. ”
“ spooh fo rebmun egral yrev a hguorht gnipmuj ro) cilbup ylluf tekcub eht gnikam seriuqer rehtie yltnerruc hcihw ,srevres s'FC ot sserdda PI gnitcirtser dna ,niamodbus eralfduolC a (elpmaxe rof) dniheb stessa gnivres rof retteb hcum eb dluow ,erutaef siht ot 1+ ) ”