Status Update
Comments <> <> #2
The generated dao code has this line:
_observer = new Observer("book","split")
I think annotation processor should handle this type usages of FROM clause.
I found a workaround for this problem. I created an unused entity named "Split" and it works.
_observer = new Observer("book","split")
I think annotation processor should handle this type usages of FROM clause.
I found a workaround for this problem. I created an unused entity named "Split" and it works. <> #3
yea we should fix the query parser to understand WITH. Btw, WITH queries are available only in recent versions of SQLite (need to double check but i think it was android 21 +).
Version used: 1.0 Alpha 4
Devices/Android versions reproduced on: Android Emulator API 25
I have an EventEntity class and a TeamEntity class, both of which sport the @Entity annotation.
I have two POJOs; Entity and Team which extend the above classes respectively.
Team is nested under the Event POJO with the @Embedded annotation.
Team also has a @Relation annotation to another @Entity; Role.
The issues arise in the TeamDao_impl and EventDao_impl.
When the Team has a relation, even if the relation field is passed in the constructor, room ignores it and prefers to set the field via a setter method. This is a minor bug. The real issue arises when Trying to construct the Event.
Room constructs the Team first, does not set the Roles on the Team, then constructs the Event passing the Team in the constructor, then attempts to call the setRoles method on the Event, and not the Team.
I've attached skeletons of the affected classes and generated DAO code.