Status Update
lf...@google.com <lf...@google.com> #2
We use build flavours heavily with a lot of common code. The refactoring support in AS is really good but it continually catches us out when it doesn't work across all flavours in a project. It's a big gap for serious product development.
lf...@google.com <lf...@google.com> #3
We at my company need this same feature. We have a lot of white labels and need refactor the same class across flavours. :(
an...@gmail.com <an...@gmail.com> #4
I need this feature too...
th...@gmail.com <th...@gmail.com> #5
+1, I need this very badly
pc...@gmail.com <pc...@gmail.com> #6
+1 My company also need this feature.
lf...@google.com <lf...@google.com> #7
Can we atleast know the status of the issue please? Will it be fixed or is it in low priority. It's been 4 years.
an...@gmail.com <an...@gmail.com> #8
We are currently investigating possibly solutions.
an...@gmail.com <an...@gmail.com> #9
+1 This will exclude a lot of unnecessary work. In my work I have 25 flavours. :(
th...@gmail.com <th...@gmail.com> #10
+1 .. we need it as well...
an...@gmail.com <an...@gmail.com> #11
Any update on this?
th...@gmail.com <th...@gmail.com> #12
We also need this feature...please...
lf...@google.com <lf...@google.com> #13
I would like to vote for this feature as well.
th...@gmail.com <th...@gmail.com> #14
lf...@google.com <lf...@google.com> #15
Build flavor source code is useless until this is fixed.
an...@gmail.com <an...@gmail.com> #16
lf...@google.com <lf...@google.com> #17
4e...@gmail.com <4e...@gmail.com> #18
+1 "Build flavor source code is useless until this is fixed." - agree
lf...@google.com <lf...@google.com> #19
lf...@google.com <lf...@google.com> #20
My team are heavy users of Android Flavours and the IDE remaining semantically aware of all flavours besides the currently 'focused' one, for refactoring and searching purposes, would be a major productivity boost.
Indeed, the current state almost feels like flavours are only partially supported in the IDE.
Indeed, the current state almost feels like flavours are only partially supported in the IDE.
lf...@google.com <lf...@google.com> #21
Also consider trying "-gpu host" with this experimental build of the emulator, which uses OpenGL core profile, and may fix the Pixel Launcher crash by exercising more reliable driver paths.
4e...@gmail.com <4e...@gmail.com> #22
Thank you for the information, But it doesn't work for me still:
1. It is impossible to use emulator with "Pixel launcher" not working - it shows popup and restarts UI every second.
2. Latest drivers fixes nothing for me. My OS Windows Server 2016.
3. If launch emulator from Android Studio then it force switches "-gpu" to "off" and shows toast about this intervention. Yes, it works but so slow that after each tap need to wait at least 3 seconds. Fortunately, if launch emulator from console with "-gpu host" then it uses GPU but see point 1.
4. I can't download "objs-win-core-uncond.zip" because "This site can’t be reached" (tried with FF, Opera).
1. It is impossible to use emulator with "Pixel launcher" not working - it shows popup and restarts UI every second.
2. Latest drivers fixes nothing for me. My OS Windows Server 2016.
3. If launch emulator from Android Studio then it force switches "-gpu" to "off" and shows toast about this intervention. Yes, it works but so slow that after each tap need to wait at least 3 seconds. Fortunately, if launch emulator from console with "-gpu host" then it uses GPU but see point 1.
4. I can't download "objs-win-core-uncond.zip" because "This site can’t be reached" (tried with FF, Opera).
lf...@google.com <lf...@google.com> #23
Thanks for getting back to me on this. I will share "objs-win-core-uncond.zip" directly through Google drive. Sorry about the failed download, I'm not sure why it works for some people and not for others.
lf...@google.com <lf...@google.com> #24
Sent it over
4e...@gmail.com <4e...@gmail.com> #25
Thank you. I've tried new build. It shows pink screen of emulator with output in console:
C:\Android\sdk\emulator_beta>emulator -avd "API22_1080_2GB" -wipe-data -no-snapshot-load -no-snapshot-save -netfast -gpu host
emulator: WARNING: encryption is off
ANGLE: egl::`anonymous-namespace'::CreateDisplayFromAttribs: make D3D display
ANGLE: D3D11: rx::Renderer11::generateConfigs
Hax is enabled
Hax ram_size 0x80000000
HAX is working and emulator runs in fast virt mode.
createImpl: failed to create context (EGL_NO_CONTEXT result)
C:\Android\sdk\emulator_beta>emulator -avd "API22_1080_2GB" -wipe-data -no-snapshot-load -no-snapshot-save -netfast -gpu host
emulator: WARNING: encryption is off
ANGLE: egl::`anonymous-namespace'::CreateDisplayFromAttribs: make D3D display
ANGLE: D3D11: rx::Renderer11::generateConfigs
Hax is enabled
Hax ram_size 0x80000000
HAX is working and emulator runs in fast virt mode.
createImpl: failed to create context (EGL_NO_CONTEXT result)
4e...@gmail.com <4e...@gmail.com> #26
"Pink screen" it is for Nougat emulator, for Lollipop (as in output above) it shows green screen. Looks like "background color of desktop screen".
lf...@google.com <lf...@google.com> #27
That's weird it's still using ANGLE (that build is not meant to work with ANGLE). Make sure your Qt settings for OpenGL ES renderer don't specify ANGLE (change it to autoselect or desktop native OpenGL).
4e...@gmail.com <4e...@gmail.com> #28
First of all I tried solutions from http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/windows-requirements.html . But QT_ANGLE_PLATFORM makes no effect ("-gpu host" starts with "ANGLE: D3D11"). QT_OPENGL_BUGLIST is not set for me.
4e...@gmail.com <4e...@gmail.com> #29
Then I tried different "mode" of "-gpu" argument for "emulator" command. "auto" equal to "host" on my environment (log above).
### -gpu swiftshader
getGLES2ExtensionString: Could not create GLES 2.x Context!
Failed to obtain GLES 2.x extensions string!
Could not initialize emulated framebuffer
Hax ...
emulator: ERROR: Could not initialize OpenglES emulation, use '-gpu off' to disable it.
### -gpu mesa
WARNING: The Mesa software renderer is deprecated. Use Swiftshader (-gpu swiftshader) for software rendering.
ANGLE: egl::`anonymous-namespace'::CreateDisplayFromAttribs: make D3D display
ANGLE: D3D11: rx::Renderer11::generateConfigs
Hax ...
And in result the same green screen. Only "-gpu off" works but extremely slow.
### -gpu swiftshader
getGLES2ExtensionString: Could not create GLES 2.x Context!
Failed to obtain GLES 2.x extensions string!
Could not initialize emulated framebuffer
Hax ...
emulator: ERROR: Could not initialize OpenglES emulation, use '-gpu off' to disable it.
### -gpu mesa
WARNING: The Mesa software renderer is deprecated. Use Swiftshader (-gpu swiftshader) for software rendering.
ANGLE: egl::`anonymous-namespace'::CreateDisplayFromAttribs: make D3D display
ANGLE: D3D11: rx::Renderer11::generateConfigs
Hax ...
And in result the same green screen. Only "-gpu off" works but extremely slow.
lf...@google.com <lf...@google.com> #30
Sorry, I meant the Qt settings in the emulator settings page like in the attached images. What does "OpenGL ES renderer (requires restart)" say?
lf...@google.com <lf...@google.com> #31
Actually, it's really weird anyway that ANGLE is still being used, since the UI setting (and even the compatibility renderer auto-switch) have lower priority than the -gpu flag. Can you also make sure that emulator.exe is the one being run in your latest tests? We have a lot of funny interactions when emulator.exe is in PATH and it uses an older emulator.exe.
lf...@google.com <lf...@google.com> #32
(That setting is in the 'advanced' tab in the version I sent, btw)
lf...@google.com <lf...@google.com> #33
Hmm, I've tried all combinations of gpu settings on my machine, but I can't reproduce the part where it always uses ANGLE...
lf...@google.com <lf...@google.com> #34
Can you also try editing your AVD's config.ini so that hw.gpu.mode=host?
lf...@google.com <lf...@google.com> #35
(alternatively, try -gpu on)
4e...@gmail.com <4e...@gmail.com> #36
I've tried choose 2 more options (was "Autoselect") in emulator settings page - no effect. There is a mark that "requires restart" so I closed emulator and started it again with "-gpu on". Option in "OpenGL ES Level" remains after restarts. But no effect - same "ANGLE: D3D11" in logs and green color in window.
I really had one more "emulator.exe" in my PATH (from "tools" SDK folder, seems like this executable from previous SDK versions). After removing it I tried all "-gpu" variants one more time. But got the same behavior. "swiftshader" option even failed with "Send Crash Report" window (but with same logs as in my comment above).
Used AVD config.ini has "hw.gpu.mode=host" already.
I really had one more "emulator.exe" in my PATH (from "tools" SDK folder, seems like this executable from previous SDK versions). After removing it I tried all "-gpu" variants one more time. But got the same behavior. "swiftshader" option even failed with "Send Crash Report" window (but with same logs as in my comment above).
Used AVD config.ini has "hw.gpu.mode=host" already.
4e...@gmail.com <4e...@gmail.com> #37
Meanwhile I've updated SDK emulator via android studio to v26.1.4. It still ignores "hw.gpu.mode=host" in AVD config and produces glitches if run it via cmd with "-gpu host". Example of "glitch" is attached. Log:
emulator: WARNING: encryption is off
Hax is enabled
Hax ram_size 0x80000000
path d:\.android\avd\API22_1080_2GB.avd\system.img.qcow2
HAX is working and emulator runs in fast virt mode.
emulator: WARNING: encryption is off
Hax is enabled
Hax ram_size 0x80000000
path d:\.android\avd\API22_1080_2GB.avd\system.img.qcow2
HAX is working and emulator runs in fast virt mode.
lf...@google.com <lf...@google.com> #38
Thanks for the info. That definitely looks like a driver issue. We'll be getting some Intel HD 2500 test machines soon to reproduce it. In the meantime, it looks like your best option is to use -gpu swiftshader (or "Swiftshader" in the opengl settings UI).
ce...@gmail.com <ce...@gmail.com> #39
Hi, I am having the "Pixel Launcher has stopped" error and would like to know how to resolve it. I have the right amount of ram, i have 20GB available and it only needs 4GB. I could not find the config file you were talking about earlier in the thread. I would need more step by step instructions on how to resolve this situation since your instructions seemed to be missing steps, such as where the config file is, and even where that error report is. I would appreciate help getting this resolved. thanks.
sa...@gmail.com <sa...@gmail.com> #40
following the thread above me, i agree with that statement. I'm having the "Pixel Launcher has stopped" error as well. I have more than the 4GB of required RAM, so I am certain that is not the issue. I also looked for a config file you were talking about earlier in the thread and had no idea where to find it. If I could get step by step instructions on where to locate the config file in order to modify it, or where the error report is, I would appreciate it so I can fix this issue.
lf...@google.com <lf...@google.com> #41
#39, #40: Thanks for the extra reports and sorry you are still experiencing the issue.
Here are the steps to troubleshoot:
1. Run the emulator from command line with -verbose -show-kernel -logcat '*' and paste the output.
2. The avd config file can be found in ~/.android/avd/<name-of-avd>.avd/config.ini. You can configure the hw.gpu.mode there to "host", "swiftshader_indirect", or if you are running Windows, "angle_indirect". You'll have to try to see which one works best for you.
3. What is your CPU/GPU hardware setup?
4. Try updating your GPU drivers. We have also experienced this problem on older Intel GPU-equipped laptops; a driver update fixed the issue for us.
Here are the steps to troubleshoot:
1. Run the emulator from command line with -verbose -show-kernel -logcat '*' and paste the output.
2. The avd config file can be found in ~/.android/avd/<name-of-avd>.avd/config.ini. You can configure the hw.gpu.mode there to "host", "swiftshader_indirect", or if you are running Windows, "angle_indirect". You'll have to try to see which one works best for you.
3. What is your CPU/GPU hardware setup?
4. Try updating your GPU drivers. We have also experienced this problem on older Intel GPU-equipped laptops; a driver update fixed the issue for us.
AI-162.4069837, JRE 1.8.0_112-release-b06x64 JetBrains s.r.o, OS Windows 10(amd64) v10.0 , screens 1280x1024
After updating the SDK, I'm having this problem when I run the emulator:
Pixel launcher keeps stopping,
Emulator screenshot
Please help me and thank you very much