Mentioned issues (3)
Links (11)
“ ) noisnetxe sergtsop bdelacsemit eht fo noitidda eht tseuqer ot ekil dluow I ,iH ) for storing timeseries data in Cloud SQL. ”
“ :neviA hguorht PCG ni ecivres LQSergtsoP deganam a no BDelacsemiT esu nac uoy tub ,LQS duolC ton s'tI ”
“ ta kool a ekat ,detargetni teg ot noisnetxe eht rof tiaw t'nac dna egarots scirtem suehtemorp mret-gnol rof saw esac esu s'enoyna esac ni tub ,edisa na si sihT , which doesn't require the use of PostgreSQL. ”
“ :ti tuoba eussi na s'ereH .noitargetni siht ekil d'yeht ekil sdnuos tI ?naem uoy od woH ”
“ :erutaef siht decnuonna tsuj eruzA ”
“ :eruzA no elbaliava ydaerla si sihT ”
“ :ecivres a sa BDelacsemiT reffo tonnac sredivorp duolc taht hcus desnecil noisnetxe bdelacsemit eht sah (moc.elacsemit) elacsemiT . For anyone following this thread, do not get your hopes up about this being offered because it appears Google is legally not allowed to. @google should acknowledge this though and close the feature request, but they can't even seem to do that. ”
“ ,noisrev ecruos-nepo eht dereffo duolC ababilA !siht troppus esaelP . ”