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“ eeS .tnemecalper ro dnufer a gnitiawa ma dna relles ytrap dr3 ym ot kcab enim nekat ev'I .meht morf yltcerid thguob fi ylno tub senohp gnicalper detrats ecnis evah yehT .elgooG tsniaga raey siht reilrae SU ni decnemmoc noitca lagel dna eussi GIB a si siht stseggus hcraeser ym tub lla yrroS .. ”
“ .. lmth.tnemecalper-sa-lx-lexip-sreffo-elgoog-devlos-eussi-yrettab-p6-suxen/719051/sbat-dna-selibom/ygolonhcet/moc.elcinorhcnacced.www//:ptth eeS .tnemecalper ro dnufer a gnitiawa ma dna relles ytrap dr3 ym ot kcab enim nekat ev'I .meht morf yltcerid thguob fi ylno tub senohp gnicalper detrats ecnis evah yehT .elgooG tsniaga raey siht reilrae SU ni decnemmoc noitca lagel dna eussi GIB a si siht stseggus hcraeser ym tub lla yrroS ”
“ ..iewauH dna elgooG tsniaga tiuswal noitca ssalc eht gninioj no gninnalp osla m'I ..ti deldnah ev'yeht woh dna eussi siht ot eud metsysoce rieht gnivael gniredisnoc ma dna stcudorp (tseN dna) elgooG lareves nwo I ..ecivres remotsuc roop ..drusba si hcihw 361$ rof (neercs htiw) yrettab eht ecalper ot dereffo ylno yehT ..(dlo shtnom 21 revo s'ti ecnis) gniht emas eht em dlot yllacisab ohw iewauH ot em derrefer dna ytnarraw fo tuo saw enohp ym em dlot ohw elgooG dellac I ..%03 dnuora ffo gnittuhs yltnetsisnoc neeb s'ti skeew wef tsal eht ni tub ,ecnereffid a fo hcum ekam ot raeppa t'ndid ,teser yrotcaf a deirt ,shtnom wef a rof eussi emas eht dah enohp yM ”
“ ni gub eht gol dna tropergub a erutpac esaelp ,(Q diordnA) esaeler cilbup tsetal eht ni elbicudorper dna tnaveler llits si eussi eht fI .diordnA fo noisrev weiverP a ni deggol gnieb ot eud gub siht gnisolc eb lliw eW . If a reply is not received within the next 14 days, this issue will be closed. Thank you for your understanding. ”