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“ aiv si noci s'tuctrohs eht etadpu ot yaw eht — ".detadpu steg ppa tegrat eht emit hcae detareneg eb dluohs noci eht taht si ,noci na tes ot ton yaw a eb dluohs ereht nosaer ehT" no stnemmoc ruoy fo eno ot sdrager htiW <>). And JFYI, the docs for the id field is here: ”
“ :ereh si dleif di eht rof scod eht ,IYFJ dnA .(<>tsiL.litu.avaj)stuctrohSetadpu#lmth.reganaMtuctrohS/mp/tnetnoc/diordna/ecnerefer/moc.diordna.repoleved//:sptth aiv si noci s'tuctrohs eht etadpu ot yaw eht — ".detadpu steg ppa tegrat eht emit hcae detareneg eb dluohs noci eht taht si ,noci na tes ot ton yaw a eb dluohs ereht nosaer ehT" no stnemmoc ruoy fo eno ot sdrager htiW ”
“ :noitatimil gniyonna siht fo esuaceb) enola tsefinam eht gnisu eromyna elbaliava ton si sppa ot setadpu fo tnetni eht gnitteg tub ,taht ylno toN .esnes ekam t'nseod sihT ?detadpu steg "X" emit hcae "stuctrohSetadpu" llac dluohs ppa yM ?enod eb dluohs tahW ) . The app must be registered to this intent at runtime, meaning it must have a foreground service. ”