Status Update
lb...@gmail.com <lb...@gmail.com> #2
This issue does not reproduce with dev preview 4.
dn...@google.com <dn...@google.com>
dn...@google.com <dn...@google.com> #3
Closing this issue as per comment #2 from reporter.
dn...@google.com <dn...@google.com> #4
The icon is always added from 2nd page onwards. There has not been any change in that behavior.
If the target sdk of the app is O and above, it is supposed to use adaptive icons otherwise it will be put on a white background to convert it into adaptive icon. This treatment is applied to all icons (for apps targeting O and above) and is a new policy in O.
If the target sdk of the app is O and above, it is supposed to use adaptive icons otherwise it will be put on a white background to convert it into adaptive icon. This treatment is applied to all icons (for apps targeting O and above) and is a new policy in O.
lb...@gmail.com <lb...@gmail.com> #5
@4 Why put on second page, while also creating it, instead of first page where there is still space to put it? Why mess around with the pages?
This doesn't make sense. Saying this hasn't changed doesn't mean it should be this way.
About icons, this is also incorrect behavior. As I've shown on the video, the icon can be the original one, by dragging it from the app drawer.
This doesn't make sense. Saying this hasn't changed doesn't mean it should be this way.
About icons, this is also incorrect behavior. As I've shown on the video, the icon can be the original one, by dragging it from the app drawer.
lb...@gmail.com <lb...@gmail.com> #6
BTW, the targetSdk of the sample app is not O. It's 25 ...
It also doesn't make sense to force developers to change their icons. What if I want my app icon to look in specific way, and use adaptive only if the launcher or user wants to (because it can be uglier if it's adaptive icon) ?
It also doesn't make sense to force developers to change their icons. What if I want my app icon to look in specific way, and use adaptive only if the launcher or user wants to (because it can be uglier if it's adaptive icon) ?
dn...@google.com <dn...@google.com> #7
@Liran Barsisa:
We have passed these queries to engineering team. Waiting for their response.
We have passed these queries to engineering team. Waiting for their response.
dn...@google.com <dn...@google.com> #8
Engineering team replied with the below information:
1) Often users carefully curate the 1st page to align the icons with the wallpaper. Putting it on the 2nd page ensures that their default screen doesn't get messed up. The user can always drag the icon to manually place it on the first screen.
Please file a separate feature request for this.
2) The icon policy has changed. Now all user facing icons are supposed to be adaptive icons, if there are not.
Could you clarify what problem are you referring here: the white background, or the app-icon badge on the bottom-right corner?
1) Often users carefully curate the 1st page to align the icons with the wallpaper. Putting it on the 2nd page ensures that their default screen doesn't get messed up. The user can always drag the icon to manually place it on the first screen.
Please file a separate feature request for this.
2) The icon policy has changed. Now all user facing icons are supposed to be adaptive icons, if there are not.
Could you clarify what problem are you referring here: the white background, or the app-icon badge on the bottom-right corner?
lb...@gmail.com <lb...@gmail.com> #9
1. So for the same reason, why not put it on the 1st page, so that the users will notice it instantly, and not need to drag it from one page to another, and not need to remove the extra page that could have been customized differently? Why not start from the beginning, instead of the second? It doesn't make sense.
2. Look at the video. You can clearly see that the icon that's shown on the launcher is different in style than what it was supposed to look like. It should be the same as the icon that is given to it. If the app has prepared an adaptive icon, it would have given provided it. But on this case, since it's a simple icon, it should use it, just the same way as if a user drags an app icon from the app drawer. Why should it be any different?
Also, as I wrote, the targetSdk of the app isn't O, so it's not as you wrote, that it must be adaptive icon.
You say that now all apps must have a surrounding background (white circle/rectangle by default) ?
Have you noticed what happened to YouTube app? This looks so ugly now. It has a white rectangle, and in it the actual logo of the app. Or Chrome, or anything else that has this style...
Look at the attached screenshot, showing all kinds of Google apps. Do you actually believe that this is a nice thing to see? Why not take the space only for the logo of the app? Why not allow it to appear the way the app is supposed to appear? After all, when entering the app, if you will see the logo, it won't have the extra background...
How has some Google apps managed to avoid this ugly behavior?
1. So for the same reason, why not put it on the 1st page, so that the users will notice it instantly, and not need to drag it from one page to another, and not need to remove the extra page that could have been customized differently? Why not start from the beginning, instead of the second? It doesn't make sense.
2. Look at the video. You can clearly see that the icon that's shown on the launcher is different in style than what it was supposed to look like. It should be the same as the icon that is given to it. If the app has prepared an adaptive icon, it would have given provided it. But on this case, since it's a simple icon, it should use it, just the same way as if a user drags an app icon from the app drawer. Why should it be any different?
Also, as I wrote, the targetSdk of the app isn't O, so it's not as you wrote, that it must be adaptive icon.
You say that now all apps must have a surrounding background (white circle/rectangle by default) ?
Have you noticed what happened to YouTube app? This looks so ugly now. It has a white rectangle, and in it the actual logo of the app. Or Chrome, or anything else that has this style...
Look at the attached screenshot, showing all kinds of Google apps. Do you actually believe that this is a nice thing to see? Why not take the space only for the logo of the app? Why not allow it to appear the way the app is supposed to appear? After all, when entering the app, if you will see the logo, it won't have the extra background...
How has some Google apps managed to avoid this ugly behavior?
* What device are you using? (for example, Nexus 6P)
* What are the steps to reproduce the problem? (Please provide the minimal reproducible test case.)
Create a shortcut to any app, and provide it an icon of some shape, using this code:
if (ShortcutManagerCompat.isRequestPinShortcutSupported(context)) {
ShortcutInfoCompat pinShortcutInfo = new ShortcutInfoCompat.Builder(context, getPackageName())
.setIcon(IconCompat.createWithResource(context, android.R.drawable.star_big_on))
.setShortLabel("My " + System.currentTimeMillis())
.setIntent(new Intent(context, MainActivity.class).setAction(Intent.ACTION_MAIN))
ShortcutManagerCompat.requestPinShortcut(context, pinShortcutInfo, null);
When launching the code, choose to create the shortcut automatically
* Issue Category e.g. Framework (platform), NDK (platform), Hardware (CPU, GPU, Sensor, Camera), ART (platform), Runtime Permissions etc
Framework, UX
* What was the expected result?
To have the new shortcut appear on the first page that has empty space.
Also, to see the original icon, and not something that is modified so much.
* What was the actual result?
For some reason, even though there is only one page on the launcher, and it has space, the new app shortcut appears on a new page.
Not only that, but it got a white circle all around the icon, which is not as what was intended to create.
It loses its uniqueness this way, and can become uglier.
Only adaptive icons should work this way, when background texture is given. Not all app icons make sense to become rounded...
* Optional: Link to any screenshot(s) that demonstrate the issue (shared privately in Drive.)
Attached video and sample project.