Status Update
Comments <> #2
This issue does not reproduce with dev preview 4. <> <> #3
Closing this issue as per comment #2 from reporter. <> #4
@3 There is no "What's on my screen" option.
Please look at the video I've attached. This is why I specifically wrote "Please watch it before saying it's possible. " .
Apparently, it decided it's more important for me to ask where is the nearest coffee shop, what's the distance to the moon and turn on the flashlight (which is possible anyway via the notification drawer, no idea what it's doing here), instead of the most common thing I used to do with this app, which is performing actions based on what was scanned.
Please just show all the actions of the scanned screen as on older versions before, without any extra steps. There is a scanning animation, so it should do something with it, offer suggestions based on what was scanned.
We used to have a version, that right after the scan, it showed various things we can do with what was scanned. Now we don't have it anymore.
Please look at the video I've attached. This is why I specifically wrote "Please watch it before saying it's possible. " .
Apparently, it decided it's more important for me to ask where is the nearest coffee shop, what's the distance to the moon and turn on the flashlight (which is possible anyway via the notification drawer, no idea what it's doing here), instead of the most common thing I used to do with this app, which is performing actions based on what was scanned.
Please just show all the actions of the scanned screen as on older versions before, without any extra steps. There is a scanning animation, so it should do something with it, offer suggestions based on what was scanned.
We used to have a version, that right after the scan, it showed various things we can do with what was scanned. Now we don't have it anymore. <> #5
We have checked the video which you have shared.
First time when you are triggering Google assistant , it will not show "What's on my screen" option.
Just exit the assistant and trigger it again , it will show the option as shown in the video attached here.
Can you please try this and let us know whether you are able to see this option or not?
First time when you are triggering Google assistant , it will not show "What's on my screen" option.
Just exit the assistant and trigger it again , it will show the option as shown in the video attached here.
Can you please try this and let us know whether you are able to see this option or not? <> #6
@5 First of all, why not offer in all cases? Why should a coffee shop be more important? Why not show it in the top area, instead of empty space? It has a huge half screen, without anything to show there. Just the back of the previous screen, and then some white area without anything in it. Only less than 1/4 of the screen shows anything I can interact with, and even this is useless and require more steps. What happened to being easier and faster? Doing more in less steps?
In any case, it didn't work. Not now, not after 5 times of triggering the app. I already tried it the day I've written this bug (yesterday's night).
And, it still can't.
Attached a new video of what it shows now.
This time, it doesn't even show me the coffee shop suggestion ! Only one thing to click : "What can you do?" .
In any case, it didn't work. Not now, not after 5 times of triggering the app. I already tried it the day I've written this bug (yesterday's night).
And, it still can't.
Attached a new video of what it shows now.
This time, it doesn't even show me the coffee shop suggestion ! Only one thing to click : "What can you do?" . <> #7
Can you please check the issue on android O latest release, OPR6.170623.013 build and let us know the result? <> #8
@7 I've updated to it recently, and did a factory reset to check on how restore work (and BTW it's still not as complete as I hoped it would be).
Current version I have now is OPR6.170623.013.
The weird thing is that now, when I long click the home button, I see something else. There are suggestions of things to search for. Still nothing about the scanned screen, and there could be a bit large empty area above the bottom toolbar.
I searched for app updates on the Play Store, but I don't see anything needs an update there.
Attache screenshot.
Current version I have now is OPR6.170623.013.
The weird thing is that now, when I long click the home button, I see something else. There are suggestions of things to search for. Still nothing about the scanned screen, and there could be a bit large empty area above the bottom toolbar.
I searched for app updates on the Play Store, but I don't see anything needs an update there.
Attache screenshot. <> #9
Can you please capture video which shows this issue because we are not able to reproduce this issue?
Also please share bugreport for OPR6.170623.013 build.
Attached video for OPR6.170623.013 build.
Also please share bugreport for OPR6.170623.013 build.
Attached video for OPR6.170623.013 build. <> #10
Not sure what has changed, but I've noticed now inconsistency with previous UI.
On latest screenshot I've shown, there are cards UI right away, just as you've shown on your video (though no cards appeared in my case, just small action buttons).
Now, when I trigger this feature, if it's on Chrome (or on news apps), I see the chat-bot actions, with the action of "what's on my screen?", yet if I do it somewhere else, like the side menu of Nova Launcher, which has news (using this companion app: ) , all I get is "what can you do?" .
Note that I've rooted my device yesterday along with factory reset and replaced kernel, but the issue has occurred without those changes, when I reported about it. No changes whatsoever.
If you wish, I can do a factory reset again, without root and without kernel change. I don't think it matters though, because both do not change the software itself of the OS (at least not supposed to).
On latest screenshot I've shown, there are cards UI right away, just as you've shown on your video (though no cards appeared in my case, just small action buttons).
Now, when I trigger this feature, if it's on Chrome (or on news apps), I see the chat-bot actions, with the action of "what's on my screen?", yet if I do it somewhere else, like the side menu of Nova Launcher, which has news (using this companion app:
Note that I've rooted my device yesterday along with factory reset and replaced kernel, but the issue has occurred without those changes, when I reported about it. No changes whatsoever.
If you wish, I can do a factory reset again, without root and without kernel change. I don't think it matters though, because both do not change the software itself of the OS (at least not supposed to). <> #11
@9 In any case, I prefer the UI that you've shown on your video. How can I go to this UI, showing the cards about the current screen immediately , with a few actions below ? <> #12
@Liran Barsisa:
We are not able to play the video which you have shared in comment #10 .
Please share the proper one.
We are not able to play the video which you have shared in
Please share the proper one. <> #13
@12 Odd. That's what the IDE has produced. Attached again <> #14
We have passed this to the development team and will update this issue with more information as it becomes available. <> #15
We have deferred this to a future release, but leaving this open for now. <> <> #16
We will be closing this bug due to being logged in a Preview version of Android. If the issue is still relevant and reproducible in the latest public release (Android Q), please capture a bugreport and log the bug in . If a reply is not received within the next 14 days, this issue will be closed. Thank you for your understanding.
* What device are you using? (for example, Nexus 6P)
Nexus 5x
* What are the steps to reproduce the problem? (Please provide the minimal reproducible test case.)
1. Show any type of content on the screen, such as the Google cards in its news (inside the launcher).
2. Trigger the Google-now-on-tap feature, by long pressing the home button
3. Try to show anything related to the scanned screen.
* Issue Category e.g. Framework (platform), NDK (platform), Hardware (CPU, GPU, Sensor, Camera), ART (platform), Runtime Permissions etc
* What was the expected result?
To see results based on the scanned screen.
* What was the actual result?
Just as I've reported here:
You can't. There isn't even a way to choose an item to scan the screen again.
* Optional: Link to any screenshot(s) that demonstrate the issue (shared privately in Drive.)
Attached video. Please watch it before saying it's possible.