Status Update
Comments <> #2
We use build flavours heavily with a lot of common code. The refactoring support in AS is really good but it continually catches us out when it doesn't work across all flavours in a project. It's a big gap for serious product development. <> #3
We at my company need this same feature. We have a lot of white labels and need refactor the same class across flavours. :( <> #4
I need this feature too...
Most severe issue: bottom of screen
As you can see, an alarm is set to 08:30 AM, and the Alarm Notification, Customize and Users icon are all overlapping.
More of a cosmetic issue: Mobile Data icon.
For some reason, for past several generation of Android, the cellular network icon is mirrored in RTL (although RTL has no different Cartesian coordinate system!). In Oreo the difference is more visible due to added text (like LTE in my example) which is harder to read now (especially when you have full signal- the gray color of the bars makes the black text unreadable).
BTW, the cellular data icon is drawn *correctly* in the settings menu, and this should be the icon in the notification shade as well.